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Christopher Zorn
State College, PA
Recent Activity
Hi -- A few of the ELS Blog ( gang tweet: William Henderson (IU) at @wihender Ted Eisenberg (Cornell) @TheEisenberg (me at @prisonrodeo) Also: Jim Chen (Louisville) also tweets at chenx064 Rick Hasen (Loyola - LA) @rickhasen Sam Bagenstos (UMich) @sbagen
Christopher Zorn is now following ISA
Apr 1, 2012
Congratulations, Jason! Great news!
Toggle Commented May 18, 2009 on Tenure and Fulbright at Empirical Legal Studies
Hmmm. My own vote would be for a 50s-era Parker 51 (with the "aerometric" filling mechanism, not the "vacumatic"). But an even better idea would be to sign on here: and ask the same question to the hive-mind. As on-line communities go, it's one of the nicest, most supportive ones I've encountered (right up there with the ELSBloggers...).
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on David Souter's Pen at Empirical Legal Studies