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Christopher Zorn
State College, PA
Recent Activity
Hi --
A few of the ELS Blog ( gang tweet:
William Henderson (IU) at @wihender
Ted Eisenberg (Cornell) @TheEisenberg
(me at @prisonrodeo)
Jim Chen (Louisville) also tweets at chenx064
Rick Hasen (Loyola - LA) @rickhasen
Sam Bagenstos (UMich) @sbagen
Census of Law Professor Twitter Users -- Beta Version
How many law professors are on Twitter? Here's a very, very beta version of a census of law prof Twitter users, similar to the law prof blogger census begun by Dan Solove over at Prawfs (see, e.g., here, here and here) and carried forward by Colin Miller at Evidence Prof Blog (see here). The l...
Christopher Zorn is now following ISA
Apr 1, 2012
Congratulations, Jason! Great news!
Tenure and Fulbright
Dear Empirical Legal Studies Blog Readers and Friends, I thought I’d share with you some great news. First, I just received tenure following a unanimous vote of the faculty and the Board of Trustees. Thus, I’m now a Professor of Law. Second, I’ll share the announcement of my Dean: “I am pleased...
Hmmm. My own vote would be for a 50s-era Parker 51 (with the "aerometric" filling mechanism, not the "vacumatic"). But an even better idea would be to sign on here:
and ask the same question to the hive-mind. As on-line communities go, it's one of the nicest, most supportive ones I've encountered (right up there with the ELSBloggers...).
David Souter's Pen
(Please excuse the slightly off-topic nature of this post, but this was too good not to pass along). One of my hobbies (my spouse would say "afflictions") is collecting and using vintage fountain pens. In the pursuit of that afflic... er... hobby, I came across this discussion, the central po...
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