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Christopher Sleight
Scotland, UK
Journalist, photographer, mountain-lover
Recent Activity
Christopher Sleight is now following The TypePad Beta Team
Apr 28, 2010
Hi Kimmie,
Thanks for listening - I think that will be a great improvement. I see the option to turn off the toolbar on certain blogs is now working, but I'm still seeing issues on certain browsers. I have a ticket open on that.
Connecting on TypePad has never been easier
Today we released a snazzy blogside toolbar to Beta members. Over the past year, we’ve rolled out a number of social features for our bloggers and the toolbar is another essential piece for connecting blog audiences with TypePad bloggers. The toolbar has two important functions. Firstly, it will ...
The thing is - I don't want readers to see it, because it affects the way my page looks.
Every time a reader lands on my site, or clicks an internal link, the whole page gets pushed down 40px or so - I think that looks awful. I spend a lot of time designing my site to look exactly how I want, and I don't like it messed with! :)
I've noticed there is an option to turn it off for individual blogs on the Basic Settings page, but it doesn't seem to work - why is that?
As for my site not looking like it's made with TypePad - one of the reasons I have a Pro Unlimited account is for precisely that reason. I pay extra so I can have complete control and make by blog look different.
This isn't because I want to distance myself from TypePad. Far from it. I love the platform and what it's capable of. It's enabled me to build some great sites over the past six years and I've long been an evangelist for the service.
But where I evangelise is my choice... I pay a premium to keep my site clean from advertising or compulsory reader features. That's really important to me. The only things that should be in my templates is stuff I've put there myself.
This isn't to say I would never use the toolbar or would always turn it off. I can see its advantages. I just feel strongly I should have the option to decide when that is.
Connecting on TypePad has never been easier
Today we released a snazzy blogside toolbar to Beta members. Over the past year, we’ve rolled out a number of social features for our bloggers and the toolbar is another essential piece for connecting blog audiences with TypePad bloggers. The toolbar has two important functions. Firstly, it will ...
I agree with Motte Brown and Ted Slater. Although I can see this might be a useful tool for some, *I* publish my blog, and I decide what gets displayed on my page.
There has to be an option to switch this off, per blog, if you don't want readers to see it. The whole point of paying for a Pro Unlimited account is having complete control over your pages - this toolbar wrecks that.
Even if you opt to display it on a blog, I don't think it should roll down every page load. If you click the arrow to collapse it, it should stay collapsed. Have you tried clicking through a picture gallery? Really poor usability, never mind the extra weight of the code already mentioned.
Connecting on TypePad has never been easier
Today we released a snazzy blogside toolbar to Beta members. Over the past year, we’ve rolled out a number of social features for our bloggers and the toolbar is another essential piece for connecting blog audiences with TypePad bloggers. The toolbar has two important functions. Firstly, it will ...
I have the box deselected too - but it is still showing up on my sites. I could just about tolerate it when it stayed up after collapsing, but now it rolls down every time you load a page. This makes flicking through a photo gallery, or paging quickly though individual archives, an incredibly bad experience from a usability point of view.
The bar may be useful to some, but I hate having anything that I can't control affecting the design and layout of my pages. I'd like to switch it off for me and my readers. An option that I never see it when browsing other TypePad sites would be good too...
Connect to the Community with the TypePad Toolbar
For the past few weeks we've been testing a new, blogside toolbar with our [Beta] members. On Thursday we'll be releasing this great feature to all TypePad bloggers. The blogside toolbar is a great reader tool that will help readers engage with your blog by giving them easy access to [follow, fa...
Christopher Sleight is now following Alex Deve
Apr 19, 2010
Christopher Sleight has shared their blog Mountain Blog Book
Apr 19, 2010
Christopher Sleight is now following Matt Jacobs
Apr 19, 2010
Christopher Sleight is now following Claire Alcock
Apr 15, 2010
Christopher Sleight is now following kimmi8
Apr 15, 2010
I've been messing around with search in advanced templates and I got it set up exactly how I wanted pretty quickly.
Here's an example results page:
It's very, very fast (though admittedly I've got it on a new weblog with mainly dummy content at the moment). Good job, I think it's fantastic!
Blogside Search. Oh My!
We're proud to announce that a native, blogside search feature is available to our Beta members. The TypePad team has been hard at work the last several months to build out our very own search infrastructure. Last week we announced our Search API, which allows developers to build upon the great c...
I find the toolbar is causing problems for me in IE7 - I've submitted the details in a help ticket.
Connect to the Community with the TypePad Toolbar
For the past few weeks we've been testing a new, blogside toolbar with our [Beta] members. On Thursday we'll be releasing this great feature to all TypePad bloggers. The blogside toolbar is a great reader tool that will help readers engage with your blog by giving them easy access to [follow, fa...
Christopher Sleight added a favorite at
Mar 24, 2010
Christopher Sleight added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Mar 24, 2010
Christopher Sleight added a favorite at Hungry Frenchman
Mar 24, 2010
Christopher Sleight added a favorite at
Mar 23, 2010
Christopher Sleight is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Corrie of Balglass (II)
No Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at Mountain Blog Book
I'd like:
1. Option for tidy URLs with the .html removed
2. Ability to upload images to specified directory from compose post page
3. Tags
4. Remove 30-day restriction on lastn. You did that one :) Thanks!
What's your blogging wishlist for 2010?
We made our list and checked it twice – our tasks for 2009 are complete! This year, we launched TypePad Micro and a new design with lots of other amazing new features. We gave you a whole series of our top 10 tips and tricks for making your blog even better, and we're working on building our new...
Christopher Sleight added a favorite at Starter Kit
Oct 29, 2009
Holidays at the station
Rob Ward Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2009 at
Oh yes, one more... When will be able to exclude our own computers from stats? Simple to do and most other stats packages offer that. It's the main reason I've never bothered using TypePad stats.
Give us your feedback
Thanks for trying the All New TypePad. Whether you'd like to give us your overall impression, report a bug, or suggest a new feature, we want to know what you think. You can also send feedback by email. While we may not reply to every piece of feedback, rest assured that we read absolutely ever...
Just wrote a long post of feedback, hit preview and it disappeared... How irritating. So this is a shorter version.
Fast, robust, quicker to get to things
One-click access to File manager, which I use a lot, is really appreciated
File manager displays .inc and .xml files, yes!
Preview - you've nailed it
What I'd like
Drag and drop uploading app for file manager
Ability to rename fields on compose page (I don't use Excerpt for excerpts or Keywords for keywords)
Subscribe to this entry option for readers so they're notified of new comments (like the WordPress plugin)
Overall: Positive so far.
Give us your feedback
Thanks for trying the All New TypePad. Whether you'd like to give us your overall impression, report a bug, or suggest a new feature, we want to know what you think. You can also send feedback by email. While we may not reply to every piece of feedback, rest assured that we read absolutely ever...
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