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Chubb Safes
Swords Road, SantryDublin 9.Ireland
Ireland’s leading security services company Chubbsafe are leading the way innovative security solution for homes and businesses. When it comes to domestic and commercial safes, we should be your top choice. Our safes have the latest technology integrated and we offer these at unbeatable prices. Some of our other solutions we offer are burglar alarms, mobile security guarding, CCTC system and access control. We also provide a full maintenance, repair and service for all makes and models of intruder alarms and CCTV. For further options, we can also provide you with advanced automated cash handling and high tech gas suppression systems. Contract Address: Unit C5, Santry Business Park, Swords Road, SantryDublin 9. Zip code: D09 VW27 Country: Ireland
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Apr 12, 2017