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Cindi Howson
Cindi Howson has been using, implementing, and evaluating business intelligence tools for more than 20 years.
Recent Activity
thanks for the comment! Yes, you are correct, you can add a "dashboard" to the story in Tableau (even though the screen says add a "sheet"). Thank you for pointing that out. I've modified the text. I do however, think the "snapshot" feature in Qlik is more useful as it saves the filter/drill point, etc. BTW, not sure if you subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog or if linked somewhere. It has moved to so will stop posting here soon.
What’s in a Story (and a Name)?
By Cindi Howson, BI Scorecard Story telling capabilities are fast becoming table stakes in visual data discovery tools, but not all stories and storyboards are the same. Here's a look a look at four vendors' approaches. It would be nice to think that most data analyses end with a value added dec...
Thanks for the feedback, Sam. yes, a lot of customers have been left in the lurch without the free hand SQL. So it's planned, but no idea on timing. Microsoft allows you to customize the SQL but is less flexible in multiple data sources / multi fact. With OBI EE, you can see the SQL, I have to check if you can modify it. It's possible with the Publisher module, not sure about Answers.
BTW. How did you find this blog - we are trying to move all posts to This typepad one is just a duplicate for transition time.
Lumira is the Headline but Enterprise BI, the Bread and Butter
By Cindi Howson Please note: this blog site has been migrated and will be discontinued in the near future; please access new site at Sapphire this year was all about simplicity, the cloud, and millenials. That's the message that CEO Bill McDermott wanted to drive home i...
Cindi Howson is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thank you for your comment. Yes, I do think supporting the Hyperion products is a plus. My question is more the issue of a new customer buying the Interactive Reporting and Production reporting IN ADDITION to the OBI EE platform.
Is the "Plus" in OBI EE Really a Plus?
There is little question that since Oracle’s acquisitions of Hyperion and earlier Siebel, the vendor has evolved to a major BI player. Its core BI revenues grew 17% last year, and it’s gone from a second tier player three years ago to now a solid number three (according to IDC figures). Its anal...
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