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Cynthia Lee
Ordinary wife and mom with big ideas...
Interests: mom stuff, wife stuff, smiling...I like smiling.
You can reach me at [email protected]
Recent Activity
Review: The Vegan Slow Cooker: Revised and Expanded Edition by Kathy Hester
This posts contains my Amazon affiliate link which means if you buy the book using the link, I might get a small percentage. You don't have to use the link to buy the book. You could get it from Amazon directly, but I would appreciate it. Welcome back to my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2019 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Review: ThermaLeaf Fire Retardant Silk Plants
I was recently contacted by a representative from ThermaLeaf®, a company that makes fire retardant artificial foliage, to see if I would be interested in reviewing their products. I admit, I was skeptical at first because I have never been in love with silk flowers or plants. I always think... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2018 at Whatever Works
Fancy Last Minute Gift Idea: Chocolate Almond Toffee with Finlandia Imported Butter
This post was made possible by sponsorship from Finlandia. Here's the scenario: It's a week before Christmas and time is going faster than you might like. There are still more people on your Christmas list than there are days. You've got 3 parties to go to and you have no... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2017 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Hopefully not an exercise in futility
OK. Over the past few months I've been really into twenty one pilots. Not only is their music great for the ears, it's been great for my soul as well. As a mom, I am happy my daughter and son have their positive message to hear on a regular basis.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2017 at Whatever Works
It's odd when you're a writer and you're home all day with your thoughts. Especially when thought provoking music comes on. You know that kind that doesn't have words, but vibrates strange feelings from your heart strings and pulls trains from your cerebellum or whatever part of your brain carries... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2017 at Whatever Works
I'm not here for me
I drive by myself only once a week. My drive is to the farm where I find the most peace of any place I've ever been on this earth, but the drive itself is usually reflective and quite fulfilling. The drive there is usually filled with thoughts of despair and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2017 at Whatever Works
Post whatever you want
Hey friends, I know you don't need me to tell you this but I just want to say it: When you are sharing via social media, please post what you want. I keep seeing all these articles about How to Be the Most Annoying Person Online or What Everyone Needs... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2017 at Whatever Works
Letter to my kids. Today.
My hearts, my loves, We check in with each other every day, but how much do we really know? How are you really? How am I really? Sometimes the days fly by so fast that our inquiries about each other seem so monotonous and unfeeling. We start to just tell... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2017 at Whatever Works
My Reserve, Our Coasts: Save Our Local Resource - the JCNERR
I don't get political too often and there is good reason for it. I don't follow politics. I am not well versed in them. With the way the world is now, I don't WANT to know them either, quite frankly. What I DO know is that when something that is... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2017 at Whatever Works
Porkroll or Taylor Ham? I'LL be the judge of that! Tuckerton Seaport's TRUCKerton Food Truck & Brew Fest is BACK!
This Saturday May 6 at the Tuckerton Seaport is this year's fantastically themed Porkroll vs Taylor Ham TRUCKerton Food Truck and Brew Fest! If you're from New Jersey, you either call it porkroll or you call it Taylor Ham. There is no in between. I have always called it Taylor... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2017 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Save every time you shop with Groupon Coupons
If you've been following along for a while, you know that my blog is mostly about feelings. I'm a feelings person. Everything I do has some sort of feeling attached. I try my best to make most of those feelings good ones. And I don't particularly like writing about things... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2017 at Whatever Works
...of my whole life
Sometimes I hear young people say so-and-so was the best whatever of my whole life. I've said it, too. When I was younger, I didn't realize that life hadn't even started yet. Even now, I know that telling younger people that life really doesn't start until you are well into... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2017 at Whatever Works
Open letter of thanks to Kelly Joseph and Laura Dun
Where to start... I obviously don't know either of you personally. I hope I don't overstep at all with this post. I have just been feeling this overwhelming urge to write it. This has always been one of my favorites by @bridge.art_ A post shared by Cindy Dudas (@wthbonbon) on... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2017 at Whatever Works
Spicy Sausage and Arugula "Pasta" Revamp! Whole 30 approved
I originally posted this recipe as past of a Progressively Perfect Virtual Dinner Party blog hop a few years ago and thought I'd give it a little Whole 30 re-vamp. My family LOVES this dish- Spicy Sausage & Arugula Pasta. It is my 'go-to' dinner on many nights. It also... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2017 at What the heck's a bonbon?
The Chile Pepper Bible by Judith Finlayson: Review and Recipe - Chinese Hot-and-Sour Mushroom Soup
Cookbooks are my absolute favorite type of book. I love learning how to mix different ingredients together to make a completely different taste. Finding and using a good recipe reminds me of that animated movie with the little foodie rat that puts a mushroom with a piece of cheese and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
The Perfect Diabetes Comfort Food Collection by Robyn Webb- review and recipe
Every once in a while, I'm asked to review a cookbook. I love doing it because collecting cookbooks is something I've always done. I love flipping through the pages to find new recipe gems just waiting to be made. I especially love it when the cookbook is written with a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
It's OK to be happy
This post is for myself as much as it is for anyone else struggling today. Some days I feel like being happy isn't a good idea. I'm struggling with those emotions today. It happens every once in a while when all around me seems like a shit storm of terrible.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2016 at Whatever Works
Top 10 reasons for going to the NJ BaconFest at the Tuckerton Seaport this weekend
This weekend's NJ BaconFest at the Tuckerton Seaport has already stirred a great big buzz in our community with signs posted throughout town including a huge bacon shaped blow-up figure that made its appearance at the Fourth of July parade! I am so excited because, well, BACON. I know that should be enough of a reason to go, but here's a list of my top 10 reasons you should join me. Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Paleo peach blueberry crumble
I just finished breakfast and had to jump on the ol' laptop before I forget all the ingredients I just used. I definitely do NOT want to forget this one because it was so flipping good. Peaches...blueberries...crumbly stuff on top... I already want more. Paleo Peach Blueberry Crumble Filling: 2... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Discontented by disposability - Guest post
My running buddy Bridget and I always have great talks during our jogs. Some days we just chat about the funny things our kids do or our favorite ways to eat certain foods. Other days we might discuss terrorism or sad affairs that make us question the world. The range... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2016 at Whatever Works
My Whole30 Experience
After going through 41 years of eating whatever I want whenever I want and never feeling as great as I thought I should, I decided to try something new. Well, if you want to get into specifics, I can't really remember the first few of those 41 years, so who... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Whole 30 Buffalo chicken meatballs and celery slaw
Yes, I'm doing Whole 30. I will get to that in a separate post. But right now, I NEED to share this recipe with you before I die from excitement. Recently we were at our friends Kate and Kevin's house and had some delicious Buffalo chicken meatball subs. My whole... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2016 at What the heck's a bonbon?
Today I felt small
I found this post lurking in my unpublished folder just now. I am not sure why I didn't publish it. I can only assume that I was waiting until that "small" day had passed and it was far enough away that I wouldn't remember at all what day it was.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2016 at Whatever Works
The stuff I crave
Yesterday my daughter and I got to spend some quality time together. We get to spend a lot of time together on a daily basis, but about 19 minutes of that time is quality. And I'm talking per week, not per day, it seems. Most of the time we just... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2016 at Whatever Works
These are the days
I often wonder how some days that are exactly the same can feel so different. One day the common routine that starts with getting out of bed, walking downstairs, and making tea can feel so blah. Other days, those same actions can feel exhilarating. And other days still, it can... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2016 at Whatever Works
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