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The press in the UK are like sheep, they've undergone the same "Stepford Wives" programme to train them to be Islamophiles as our politicians and other useful idiots. Kevin Rawlinson is a typical example.
It's frightening what we in the UK have become. Stalin would have been proud of Theresa May, but in reality she's not the only one to blame for this. The relentless push for hate legislation is also to blame, aided and abetted by the EU and their hold over the UK.
I am sick and tired also of everybody blaming the Joos for the fact that this hate legislation became law. True - there were some Jews who were instrumental in pushing it forward, without any feelings at all that it would tar all Jews with their duplicitous brush. It's time for all of us to distance ourselves from the behaviour and agendas of the "official Jews" both in the UK and the US.
I am appalled that the Board of Deputies of British Jews has supported Pamela and Robert's exclusion. They are a group of dinosaurs who take great pride in telling all and sundry that they represent ALL Jews in the UK - but many of us have already made it clear that they do not represent US. As has been said before, the British Board of Dhimmi Jews are typical of those who are quite prepared to throw the rest of us to the crocodile so it won't eat them. The croc's getting hungry again......perhaps now's the time to throw them and their kind to it.
Please sign the petition to allow Pamela and Robert into the UK:
Kevin Rawlinson of The Independent claims Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller didn't respond to requests he never made #liar
Theresa May urged to ban "anti-Islam" campaigners entering UK to ... Paul Cockerton-Jun 21, 2013 EDL rally: Theresa May considers banning US bloggers from UK BBC News June 22, 2013 EDL Invites US Anti-Muslim 'Hate Bloggers' Pam Geller and Robert Spencer to ...
You mean Bostonistan, don't you, Jack?
British Ban now International Incident
Twitter is blowing up (no pun intended) and freedom lovers started this petition. Sign it. Here's some of the new coverage -- how the media struggles with what to call us. Pathetic. Washington Post The Guardian BBC News Yahoo! News UK Toronto Star In...
Debi - don't you mean under the rulership of Saudi Arabia, like your own United States?
British Ban now International Incident
Twitter is blowing up (no pun intended) and freedom lovers started this petition. Sign it. Here's some of the new coverage -- how the media struggles with what to call us. Pathetic. Washington Post The Guardian BBC News Yahoo! News UK Toronto Star In...
Rob, you have more support than you know, from courageous people who want the UK to be democratic once more. Thanks to the dumbing down of our nation that started with Blair and his henchmen pushing multi culturalism, British people have been coerced into celebrating everything except our own rich proud culture and values. Some of us are waking up now, particularly after Lee Rigby was murdered by a terrorist who had been on the British Security Services radar.
So whatever you do, remember you do it for all of us and for the good of our country - and you and your friends will have as much help as I can give.
British Ban now International Incident
Twitter is blowing up (no pun intended) and freedom lovers started this petition. Sign it. Here's some of the new coverage -- how the media struggles with what to call us. Pathetic. Washington Post The Guardian BBC News Yahoo! News UK Toronto Star In...
Heimdallr, you would be the first to welcome Muslim rule in the UK, you're no better than a fifth columnist. As I said, you're outed.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Heimdallr you're a busted flush, and you resort to ad hominem insults because your argument is full of holes. You "lie" near those areas? You're not a native Brit, are you? Consider yourself outed.
Come back and tell us who you really are - if you dare.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Kuffar, there is a government petition online to the government in the UK asking for a Public Enquiry to get to the bottom of why this abuse by Muslim men of young underage white girls was allowed to continue for so long. Unfortunately only British citizens living in the UK can sign it.
It needs 100,000 signatures for it to be put forward for debate in Parliament. So far it has 400. If any Brits living in the UK are reading this, please sign it. Not only has this excuse for a government failed us British citizens but they have failed countless young, vulnerable girls. The people who enabled this need to be named, shamed, and prosecuted.
UK Bans Geller and Spencer, Sanctions IED Jihadist Squads
I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under suprema...
Nat, you do know that by believing all the lies you're spoon fed by duplicitous people you're a useful idiot?
UK Bans Geller and Spencer, Sanctions IED Jihadist Squads
I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under suprema...
UK Bans Geller and Spencer, Sanctions IED Jihadist Squads
I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under suprema...
Perfected democrat - thanks for replying to me. I'm not a card carrying member of the EDL but I support what drives them to do what they do. They are smeared, harassed, and in some case threatened by the very security services who are supposed to defend ordinary British citizens against violent Islam. Yes, people like me are isolated. When I try to talk reasonably to people about the dangers Islam poses to this country, either their eyes glaze over or they get angry and call me a racist - but I am a proud Briton and I stand for the values and culture and tolerance that once made us a great nation. I and others work to educate people about Islamism and the many different strands of jihad. It frustrates me how blind people choose to be, and I lay the blame for that firstly at Blair's door, and subsequent governments. They pushed the multi culti line for all it's worth, celebrate diversity, celebrate everything except our own national pride and the courageous, proud, dignified Brits. We didn't realise that this was a cynical fascist, false liberal attitude until it was too late. Nobody asked ordinary Brits like me if we ever wanted our borders open to Muslims who mean us harm.
The tide is slowly turning, especially after what happened to Lee Rigby. I suspect Theresa May is scared out of her pants now. I know she's been inundated with tweets and emails pointing out how two faced and hypocritical she is. We won't give up until Pamela and Robert are allowed into this country to speak their truth.
UK Bans Geller and Spencer, Sanctions IED Jihadist Squads
I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under suprema...
Turkey will never be allowed to join the EU.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
And sign the petition:
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Are you for real, harry? Have you been asleep since 9/11 and 7/7? The UK DOES tolerate fanaticism - against non-Muslims. There are thousands of would be jihadis roaming around loose in our country, and our open borders policy ensures there'll be many more.
I despise people like you, your blindness knows no bounds. Be an apologist for Muslims and Islam if you like, but you have no right to lecture anybody who's woken up to what's happening here in the UK.
You'll be the first in the dhimmi queue when (not if) it all goes belly up. Don't count on people like Pamela and many others here (including me) to have any sympathy for you.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Absolutely not.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Sign the petition, too:
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
We don't have first amendment rights in the UK. As for the democratic right to free speech - forget it - that's reserved for Muslims.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
You're an absolute disgrace, Bob Grasper. You let Anjem Choudary's antics wash over you and not a peep out of you. You're supposed to be against fanaticism. Pamela and Robert have never threatened to behead anybody and never advocated violence against Muslims. They simply tell the truth. Of course you don't want her stirring the pot here in the UK - it would show the likes of you up for what you are, mealy mouthed and docile.
How can somebody with no backbone be an ex soldier?
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
OK, so you're not a Muslim sympathiser, but you're still blind, deaf and dumb, toeing the "it'll never happen here" line, and believing all the cr*p the government spouts.
As for the EDL, they may not be your cup of tea, but in the event of you being chased down the street by a load of Muslims wanting to chop your head off, (remember, they've done it here already) and they're the only ones between you and them - what are you going to do - tell them to naff off, you yobbish thugs? I don't think so. Wake up. The EDL are a group of ordinary Brits who are sick and tired of being second class citizens in their own country. They're probably sick and tired of brainwashed idiots like you, too.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Why is everything anti-Semitism? They banned Geert Wilders, and he's not Jewish. Please.... don't go along that road, it doesn't help.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Rabbi Rosenberg, God bless you.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Heimdallr your so-called "education" is questionable to say the least. It hasn't taught you not to be arrogant in the extreme, besides being deluded.
I too have an education, have read widely, and have studied Islam with an eminent professor, to know what I'm up against. I decided to do that when a close friend was badly injured on 7/7. I'm not as knowledgeable as Robert Spencer, but I know enough about it to knock what you think you know into a cocked hat.
You're everything you accuse Ms Geller and Mr Spencer of being. No matter what Tommy Robinson may be, he's very aware of what awaits us in the UK if Muslims are allowed to believe they are entitled to be supreme.
Your attempt to trivialise the dangers of Islamism in the UK is the usual useful idiot response. Which one of the three wise monkeys are you? In five years, say, they will be a majority. It's happening already, in the north west where I live. Almost all of the schools have a majority of Muslim pupils, and some have become Islamic schools because their parents put pressure on the education authorities, and craven as they are, they gave in. There are no-go areas for non-Muslims in places like Bolton, Rochdale (one of the places where Pakistani men made a good business out of selling under age white girls for sex), Blackburn, Rawtenstall, Colne. There are mosques all over the place, they also intimidate any white people living near mosques, to get them to move out so they can move in. I've had this happen to members of my family. There's illegal parking (the parking jihad), noise in the early hours of the morning, and abuse and threats if anybody complains. How you can possibly call people conspiracy theorists who don't want their country taken over by Muslims is beyond me. What you are, besides arrogant and deluded, is an absolute fool.
The extremist is you, and you're also an apologist for Islamic supremacy. That is if you're not a Muslim troll. Pamela Geller is worth a thousand of mealy mouthed hate-filled useful idiots like you.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Pamela, you have nothing to reproach yourself for, nor does Robert.
The reason you were banned was because the British government and some of the Brits here are running scared of admitting they were wrong about this multi culti celebrate everything rubbish. Muslims have them on the run, and they're scared to admit they were wrong.
Banned in Britain: UK Caves to Jihad
Britain capitulates to jihad In a striking blow against freedom, the British government has banned us from entering the country. Muhammad al-Arifi, who has advocated Jew-hatred, wife-beating, and jihad violence, entered the U.K. recently with no difficulty. In not allowing us into the c...
Dear Pamela - you have many supporters in the UK, and we are not giving up.
There is an online petition - everybody - please sign:
UK Bans Geller and Spencer, Sanctions IED Jihadist Squads
I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under suprema...
Jamie is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 5, 2009
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