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Jonathan Cane
New York City
New York-based running, cycling and triathlon personal coaching
Recent Activity
And just to be clear Matt, as someone who knows of the good, charitable work that you do, and the organization that you support, I fully respect you, your opinion and your concern that this could hurt cancer-related donations. Hopefully, the outcome is that smaller charities, with low overhead and no controversy will ultimately benefit from this.
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2012 on LIVESTRONG should stand strong at RepMan
Mr. Armstrong is a disgrace, and has no one to blame but himself. His notoriety, fame and personal fortune is built on his cheating. And let's not pretend that because everyone was doing it, that somehow Lance is less wrong. He was clearly in charge of everything that happened with the USPS team, and he was clearly willing to throw anyone who crossed him under the bus. His repeated and vehement denials, along with his vindictive bullying and threats of everyone from his teammates to Greg Lemond to Betsy Andreu to his soigneur, is no one's fault but his own. He has benefitted personally and professionally - in notoriety and finances - from his behavior, and now he's paying the price. No sympathy here. Comparing Mr. Armstrong's crimes to those of FDR or MLK is unfair, as are the Michael Vick and Tiger Woods analogies that are being floated around. Armstrong's cheating directly impacted the outcome of his sport and directly benefitted him. That's very different than pointing to indiscretions and imperfections that don't have anything to do the outcome of the sport or politics. Maybe Livestrong can thrive without Armstrong, though I doubt it. You know better than I, but I suspect that (as has been suggested elsewhere) that cancer donations are a zero-sum proposition. As someone who has previously donated to Livestrong, I don't intend to pocket that extra money now, but rather will donate it to other cancer related charities. If Livestrong goes away, there are plenty of worthy organizations that donors can support. Perhaps Livestrong (via Ulman and Armstrong) could help direct their former donors in that direction. This way, those who simply want to support a good cause will continue to do so, and the fanboys who refuse to believe that their hero could ever do wrong, will still have an outlet for their Lance-fueled donations.
Toggle Commented Oct 19, 2012 on LIVESTRONG should stand strong at RepMan
Thanks to help from our friends at Macrostate, our web page and blog have had a makeover, and the blog has now been integrated into the web page. All of the older blog posts will stay here for a while, but they've also been imported to the new site, so... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at City Coach | NSQ
Thanks to help from our friends at Macrostate, our web page and blog have had a makeover, and the blog has now been integrated into the web page. All of the older blog posts will stay here for a while,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
"Did the competition send you?" - 5:30 am, race morning, to my 5-month old son. It is on. Race season has started and I have some goals. Yesterday I raced the Brooklyn Duathlon, and it was a good way to shake off the cobwebs. The last time I raced on... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at City Coach | NSQ
Yesterday was the 28th Annual Brooklyn Duathlon. Actually, it's the first time that the NY Tri Club actually called it a duathlon instead of a biathlon, and it's only the seventh time on this course, but I digress. Over the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Our Brooklyn crew made the trip to our Nation’s capital today for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler. Congratulations to the ladies. Sara Bibi (as part of 16 miles of Boston training) 1:27:52 Adele Laboz (also doing 16) 1:27:52 Tami Morano (nice... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Congratulations to the lovely Nicole Sin Quee for her strong showing at the Race at Roosevelt Island (10k) today. Nicole’s comeback is progressing well, as she was the first Masters finisher, and 6th overall woman, finishing in a time of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
I like it so much because it really lets me coach. I can watch everyone since you're never that far away from me, so I feel like I can give more substantive advice, as opposed to going out for a run or a ride with a group that comes apart.
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Every year, one of my favorite training programs is our JackRabbit track program in Red Hook. It's a great way to improve your speed and form, and I get to harrass you along the way. We run on Tuesdays at... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Anna Bretan is pictured here with her 6-week old daughter. Minutes after this photo was taken, she passed the baby off (presumably to her husband and her two other children) and proceeded to win the Oakland Marathon in a rather... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Though I could wax nostalgic about the time the March Madness race was held in April (true story) or the fact that NYTC insisted on calling it a Biathlon until this year, let's live in the present and congratulate yesterday's... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Congratulations to Lauri Young, who finished 2nd out of 67 women in the 50-54 AG at today's 13.1 New York race. (Sorry, I simply refuse to refer to it by the official name, 13.1 Marathon.) Lauri finished in 1:53:34, and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Nice work by the City Coach crew at today's Sleepy Hollow Half. Stephen England 1:19:52 (4th overall, 1st in AG) Francis Laros 1:22:41 (9th overall, 2nd in AG) Kevin Starkes 1:25:38 Keila Merino 1:31:08 (4th overall, 2nd in AG) Jon... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
There were PR's, an impressive debut, a strong comeback, and lots of other encouraging results from today's NYC Half. Rui Guimaraes 1:20:09 (PR) Sheila Monaghan 1:25:14 Lete Berhe 1:26:18 Keila Merino 1:26:17 (PR) Jeff Dweck 1:28:05 (PR) Fabian Gallardo 1:29:49... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
I'll be at the Union Square JackRabbit shop tonight at 6:30 to discuss planning your season. Come on by to say hi and talk training. Here's the event description from JRab. Do you have multiple races this season? Is your... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
When your coach makes you run a hard tempo run on Thursday, followed by 16 miles on Friday, he doesn't really expect you to go out and PR on Sunday. Apparently Jeffrey Dweck didn't know that, because he ran an... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Great work this morning by Bonnie Averbuch at the Paris Half Marathon. Bonnie ran a PR of 1:26:59, showing that her marathon training is right on course. That was good for 12th place among the women. And, as as become... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
It's been a while since our last caption contest, so here goes. Enter your caption in the comment section. Our team of judge will determine the winner next week. Entry deadline is 3/8. Photo stolen courtesy of Slowtwitch Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
As most local runners and riders have probably heard by now, there are plans for major changes in Prospect Park. Under the proposed reconfiguration, cars will be restricted to one lane during the time in the park. Bikes will be... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Congratulations to Cipriana Cuevas, who set a 23-minute PR with her 1:39:04 at this weekend's Disney Princess Half Marathon. Also, major kudos to Team SBH, who went down to Florida with 278 runners (and a total of 458 people) to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Here is a little more from yesterday's reprint. Dear Mr. Exercise Etiquette: During my last 5k, my nose ran horribly and at times I found myself needing to spit or blow my nose, but it seems horribly rude. Is spitting... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Those of you who know me, realize that I am lazy and that I value proper manners. As such, I'm recycling an article that I wrote several years ago for Metro Sports Magazine. In it, I examined proper athletic etiquette.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2012 at City Coach | Coach Cane's Blog
Just speaking the truth. And its interesting to hear about the relay. Relays are just a peeve of mine, but obviously its up to you guys. Its clear that a lot of others enjoy them. Keep up the good work.
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