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The City Sage
Recent Activity
How cool is that?! Looks simply amazing (not that I had any doubts :)
You guys are starts in the making!
Marrakech: a tale of the French television commercial that we were really in
Oh my. Do you remember the French television commercial my family and I were in, shot just a few weeks ago to promote tourism to Marrakech? Well, it's out! Voila..... the extracts (about 1/2 the commercial) sent to me by Sigma Productions. Eeek! Be kind:-) Pssst.........and come visit...
LOVE! Was it on sale? THey're having such awesome discounts right now! I have a similar one from Mason by Michelle Mason, also from Barney's (natch!). That store is my kryptonite!
Fabulous Find!
It may be pretty rainy and blah outside, but that doesn't mean I have to dress all blah! I found this gem of a raincoat at Barney's CO-OP a couple weeks ago. This Ali & Ro jacket is nylon with 3/4 sleeves, gold accents, and an optional hood. Stylish yet simple, I'm in love.
Deadwood and Arrested Development! Two shows that I happily watch over and over again, and would kill for new episodes of!
If you could bring back a canceled tv series, which would you choose?
Submitted by The Good Girl Gone Blog.
I was SO upset when I thought Jeff had died! And equally irritated by the hoax. But I have GOT to get my hands on this movie! And if you ever convince emma to do a recording of her reading the phonebook, I'll totally buy a copy!
Jeff Goldblum is Alive and Well
I don't know what to say about the passing of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett yesterday, except that it's very sad in all sorts of ways, and I feel terrible for their loved ones. I'm going to post instead about Jeff Goldblum who was the victim of a cruel hoax yesterday, when it was erroneou...
Oh my goodness gracious! Bacon, melted cheese, pizza crust? Could this possibly get any better? Next time I host a brunch, I'm SO going to try this!
Breakfast Pizza
Oh, Michael Ruhlman, what have you done to us? Food writer extraordinaire Michael Ruhlman recently had a breakfast pizza on his blog. We are highly suggestible, and happened to have fresh mozzarella on hand, so we made breakfast pizza this morning. It was good good good. (The picture above ...
Sounds like fun! My husband brought one home a while ago but I was never inspired to try it. Maybe it's time I did! But don't tell him it's cause of you...let's let him think the idea was all his!
Mii and Wii
Jack Black's Mii Many moons ago, when I turned forty, I received a Wii Fit. I had especially requested it. I was very excited about it. I used it for a week or two, and since then, CMR has used the Wii Fit and also used it to play fake golf and tennis. January, as you know, is the month of new ...
Ah, those were the days! I could go for the kind of clean up that only takes 15 minutes, and includes a bathroom break!
Of course I still schedule time for a snack ;)
Have a great weekend!
Wouldn't It Be Loverly
to have a day like this? Add a little yoga, a nap, and some afternoon tea, and I'm in!
What a sweetheart! That smile is winning me over 100%. What a proud mama you must be :)
Have a very happy thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Willa
How can you possibly be six already, sweet girl?
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