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1)73 million voters have had a family member or close friend with Alzheimer's and 82% of voters are concerned about the disease. Alzheimer's is already America's most expensive disease, costing the country more each year than cancer or heart disease. And, Alzheimer's disease remains the only cause of death among the nation's top 10 that cannot be prevented, cured, or even slowed. What will your administration do to address this disease?
2)As President, what is your plan to improve care and support services for those with Alzheimer's and their caregivers?
South Carolina Question Suggestions
We're going to go in the field Saturday in South Carolina to gauge the impact of Rachel Maddow's forum on the Democratic race, and of course to get a fresh look at the Republican numbers in the state. What other questions and topics should we cover in South Carolina beyond the Presidential race?...
Where do candidates for public office stand on the issue of funding for Alzheimer's disease and what are their plans to improve care and support programs for those with the disease and their caregivers?
North Carolina Question Suggestions
We're due up for our monthly North Carolina poll this week. We'll do the races for President, Senate, and Governor. Let us know who you think we should test for the Senate in the state, as well as any other question suggestions you have for North Carolina. Thanks as always for your good ideas!
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Aug 11, 2015
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