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North of England
Thankful for every minute!
Interests: Life in all its shades and tones. Just as fascinated by the dull as the bright. Take joy in the detail and the over view. Its all blooming amazing! Favourite pastime - pondering it all!
Recent Activity
Hansel and Gretel without the Breadcrumbs!
Its been a great time to do things as a family this week - February half term released us all. On Tuesday morning I announced I was leading us on a mystery tour. Wry glances all around! I navigated the troops to Gisburn Forest. Only one problem: No map, no... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2011 at Clairebower Bower's blog
Claire is now following Lucy @ Attic24
Feb 12, 2011
Claire is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2011
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