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Hi Maya- When it comes to producing content for your organization, the ultimate goal is to keep the audience/donors engaged, which will hopefully lead to more support (and donations). While we don't think it's necessarily inappropriate to have the donate now call-to-action front and center-- as that is often the norm with others NPO's-- it could dilute the message within the newsletter.
What we'd suggest is if your newsletter is captivating/uplifting and tells a great story that prompts supporters to become recurring donors, then saving the donate button for the end is the best bet.
Good luck!
How to show your donors that they matter (and keep those donors)
Do your donors know their giving makes a difference? They don't if you aren't telling them! Here are some ways to let them know from the Constant Contact Email Marketing Blog, at 5 Ways to Show Donors the Impact of Their Gifts: Tell them with a quick note Share pictures of recent success Share a ...
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Sep 26, 2018
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