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Christopher Lembke
Recent Activity
Yay!! You can do it Girl!! I am going to write down my list now too! xoxoxo
The List
For whatever reason growing up food was always a big deal in my house. Before you say "Well, wasn't in most homes?" It was a little bit of an obsession for us. My sister once literally O.D.'d on Flintstone vitamins. Those little guys were delish! I would've beat her to it had I not had visi...
Awesome! We are all cheering you on Biz. However, I am a little disappointed that a English lit major would misspell Sweden (item #12 on your list)! C'mon Pady Peepol!
The List
For whatever reason growing up food was always a big deal in my house. Before you say "Well, wasn't in most homes?" It was a little bit of an obsession for us. My sister once literally O.D.'d on Flintstone vitamins. Those little guys were delish! I would've beat her to it had I not had visi...
Can't wait for more material, it's like reading a book you can't put down, you just have to wait for the next chapter to be written. Very witty and insightful as I would have expected. Congratulations to you on finally getting this off the ground that I remember you and Missy talking about 10 years ago. When's "The Art of Loafing" coming out?
Flying Under the Radar
This morning when I was driving my sister to the train she said she’d love to read Terr-Bear's blog, his view of life spending his days with me. I have a feeling the title of his blog would be The Bear and the Blabbermouth. I have always been a major talker, but stick me with a 10 month old al...
Christopher Lembke is now following manda
May 14, 2010
Christopher Lembke is now following The Typepad Team
May 14, 2010
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