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Christopher Lembke
Recent Activity
Yay!! You can do it Girl!! I am going to write down my list now too! xoxoxo
Toggle Commented May 18, 2010 on The List at The Butterfly and the Bear
Awesome! We are all cheering you on Biz. However, I am a little disappointed that a English lit major would misspell Sweden (item #12 on your list)! C'mon Pady Peepol!
Toggle Commented May 18, 2010 on The List at The Butterfly and the Bear
Can't wait for more material, it's like reading a book you can't put down, you just have to wait for the next chapter to be written. Very witty and insightful as I would have expected. Congratulations to you on finally getting this off the ground that I remember you and Missy talking about 10 years ago. When's "The Art of Loafing" coming out?
Toggle Commented May 15, 2010 on Flying Under the Radar at The Butterfly and the Bear
Christopher Lembke is now following manda
May 14, 2010
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May 14, 2010