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Interests: Mothering, Photography, Art, Holistic Medicine, Reading Weblogs.
Recent Activity
You know, Steve, a few days without gluten and the shell know if she has an intolerance or not. Sometimes its hard to tell how much better you feel off of gluten and then you reintroduce it and YOU KNOW. Id be happy to discuss. Just shoot me an email.
Yawning through another update
Okay, my last 100 days are going out in somewhat of a fizzle (with the one exception of exercise, naturally.) Exercise: My legs have now surpassed strong into the freakishly strong category. Case in point: I got on what used to be my total nemesis , the arc trainer, the other day, and dec...
% is what I was thinking.
opening success
My opening went really well today. I am pleased. (but tired, as usual) I started my day with a 45 minute run. I have been using the c25k app to time my runs, and usually do a 30 minute run and run through the 5 minute cool down. Today I decided time to step up to the 45 minute run. It was lo...
clickmom is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Good one!
word verification speaks to me
Dear Bra Makers, If a woman jams her god given goods into a G cup and she was old fashioned genetically "blessed" with those generous goods, chances are she may not want to draw more attention to the area than said area would get simply by existing in all it's typical glorious maje...
Pretty much the faster the sugar makes it into my blood stream the more likely I am to binge on it, (seriously, peeps versus mainlining? Its a dead heat) unless the sugary treat causes my throat to swell shut, like a skor bar would. But I do remember the crunchy sweet melt in your mouth yumminess of a skor bar and there is no doubt Id pig out on a whole box of them if it wouldnt kill me.
Face the Music Friday 2/19/10- Thursday night edition
It's no surprise that I gained two pounds this week. "What?" you say! "I am surprised!" Yeah, well, I did spend a fair share of time today thinking about how I only post about the tough stuff once I have made some headway into solving it. But not today. I totally ducked up last week, and I kn...
My running gear is all packed and ready for some nice warm weather running! You should have seen the panic when I couldnt find my left sneaker, the devil had sneaked it outside! Good thing it isnt raining.
Food today was super clean, but under the calories I aim for. I have no appetite, which is odd since my stress levels are through the roof right now and it's all over going down to Florida for this unveiling. As always, I am sure my plane will end up in the Atlantic. And the truth is that I a...
They both say they are not her. Maybe one day shell show up!
Sometimes I try to look up old friends from my educationally disjointed childhood. Unlike my suburban contemporaries, I didn't go all the way through school with one single person. First, I went to elementary school, grade 1-6. (they had a K but we didn't live there yet). Then all my eleme...
The stuff is in the gallery in Jersey right now- I forgot to tell the gallery guy about the awards!
Im going to bring him two more photos to frame this week, so Ill ask if he is thinking of rotating the photo he has into the city.
If he does, Ill meet you there!
I WON I WON I WON something
So, strangely enough, after having two pieces accepted into the juried photo show, I wasn't convinced that I was going to attend the opening reception because that meant leaving utopia a few precious hours earlier than planned. But I have skipped some events in the past (like the graduating cer...
Great idea! Im a having a x-mas party next July!
I know I'm a mess, I just wish I was a hot mess.
*At the opening reception (I won!!) the other day, John, this guy I hang with (only one under 65) at the meetings asked me if I had done any shooting lately. I told John that the award winning photos had been taken in early September. John went on to tell me that he had just taken two days off...
I have to do that deed on June 10th. So not looking forward to it.
Riding in cars with boys.
Last weekend we drove down to Alabama in the family minivan, rented a small Budget truck, cleaned out my in-laws house of furniture and things we wanted, and then drove back to Kansas City. This all happened between Thursday evening to Monday afternoon. My husband drove the truck back, and I dro...
Where's the picture? I thought there was going to be a picture! You gotta do what is right for you.
The twitter effect.
Yeah, so that last post was kind of worthless, huh? I'm sure it looked like I just lobbed out a Molotov Cocktail and then ran. I guess I kind of did that, but I have reasons. GOOD ONES. Er, I think. Like, uh, how I've gotten so used to vomiting out thoughts on twitter in 140 characters that I'...
I don't care what the calender says it isn't spring until I can put my socks away until fall. I hate socks.
I survived Spring Break and all I got was this stupid T-shirt. *
Tomorrow morning the bus stops in front of my house at 8:05 for the first time in 10 days, and my life officially returns to normal. Well, as normal as normal gets anyway. I mean, it's so weird this time of year, I've been waiting for months for Spring to show up, for Winter to be over, and the ...
Can't imagine the pain that family is going through.
A mother's worst nightmare.
If you live here in Kansas City, you probably heard that late Friday evening, a local 17 year old boy was killed in a single car accident. He was alone in the car, at 51st & Ward Parkway, going way too fast, went off the road and hit a tree. After being on life support initially, he died on Sat...
Happy Birthday! I dig the creme eggs too but what really gets to me this time of year are the peeps. I do them in classic yellow (because the other colors taste much more chemically than the yellows) and have yet to survive a single spring of my life without a peep day of indulgence or 2 (5).
I'd be totally suckered into the shred if I didn't already have a pile of stuff beginning with working out to the oldies (I had insomnia! There was an infomercial!) and going straight through to tae bo all of which I never got past the introductions to. I'm just not an exercise by video girl.
To Jillian, on my 37th birthday.
So I started the 30 Day Shred on Monday, spurred on by the fact that spring is coming and I can't fit into any of my summer clothes, and that other bloggers are doing it. I didn't join Kristen's little party, though, because I have a strict rule of self-esteem I like to call "you can't be a quit...
My grandma had it bad at the end. It scares the **** out of me too. Eat your veggies, latest research says it is diet related.
...all alone in the moonlight.
My office door at the church is right next to the receptionist desk. This means that I hear everything that goes on there - every phone call she takes, every person that walks through, every time someone goes to the bathroom, not to mention how long they stay in there. Every time a delivery per...
More proof that they are all the same.
And he wonders why I'm cranky.
(Scene: earlier this evening. I am unloading the dishwasher, while my husband stands a few feet away playing with his smartphone.) Me: (motioning at dry dishes sitting on the counter.) Those things are clean. Him: .... Me: (again, a minute or so later.) Ahem. Those things are clean. Him: (chuck...
We had a week like that once, ours involved a sewer pipe blockage with sewage backing up into our basement. We discovered it when (the heat stopped working) it was about an inch and a half deep. Did I mention my folks and grandmother were staying with us for a visit? Guys in hazmat suits had to clean it out, while I stood in the garage doorway, cradling my newborn baby, and had to decide whether each contaminated item they brought out of the basement was trash (99% of it!) or worth decontaminating.
Left of Center, off of the Strip.
Yeah, I know. I said I was back, and then I disappeared again, and then I showed up with that Wrinkle In Time-like post. Sorry 'bout that. I had a rather bizarre week last week, so bizarre in fact, that I could barely even put words to it. I kept wanted to post under the title WORST WEEK EVER bu...
I wish I could make that wish pot work. Sometimes a dwarfed looking yellow and pink shirt whizzes by, but that's about it.
View my wish list on Wishpot »
That all sounds like major suckage. I know absolutely nothing about anti-depressant withdrawal, so I'll just send some good generic detoxifying vibes your way. Stay strong!
Bringing crazy back.
So, about 10 days ago I decided that I've had enough of trying to joke my way though all this weight gain which I think is mostly caused by the anti-depressant I've been on for the last year, and it isn't funny anymore. I've never in my life had trouble with my weight, the beauty of being ADHD i...
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