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Recent Activity
Congrats Mary Frances and James! Have fun blogging!
Welcome to Sci-Tech 101!
James and Mary Frances would like to welcome you to the Sci-Tech 101 blog. We are dragging ourselves into the 21st century by setting up this blog so we can continue our discussions from our sessions at the annual SLA conferences. We hope you will find this informative and interesting. This year...
Thank you for the heads-up, Ellie! There are too many of those lists around now to be legit.
Top 100 Librarian Tweeters
Just for fun, a list of the top 100 librarians, libraries and library-related organizations on Twitter. At position #69, the Blogging Section's own Jill Hurst-Wahl.
Indeed, it’s very early for most of us in the budget year. Maybe those that know they will be paying out-of-pocket could benefit. I, for example, still need to show some kind of notice or advance program even if I’m paying my way.
SLA 2010 registration special
You can right now register online for the New Orleans conference at the 2009 full registration rates and save $50.00! That offers ends September 4th 2009. You will be able to purchase ticketed events after 15 January 2010 by calling the SLA Registration Center
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