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Cyn MacDonald
Recent Activity
Weekday classes would be wonderful for me. I'm self-taught, so there are many blank areas in my learning curve that need filling. I would commit to a weekly or semi-monthly class of continuing advancement, such as Scrapbooking 101, 102, 103, and so on. I love to learn about how to use products new to the market, and new ways to use the old products.
Who wants to take a class?
So I will start off by apologising again that my web site isn't completely up and running! We are working hard, I promise you and I feel like I still have one hundred things to take care of. The completion of our web site, with calendar, info and online shopping is near to the top our our list ...
Cyn MacDonald is now following rubanrouge
May 29, 2010
Cyn MacDonald is now following The Typepad Team
May 29, 2010
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