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Spokane Washington
Recent Activity
Contrary to what Fiyerwall said, black would be very ineffective at reflecting the rays of the sun. It would be in fact the worst color to do so because black does not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum... that's why it's "black!" :) That would be fine for the navi however because their weather always seems to be overcast so they wouldn't have to worry about getting a sunburn on their head. Aside from the main visible differences such as hair, blue skin, bioluminescence, tall, slender build, tails, eyes, etc. the navi seem to be a lot more perceptive than humans. On the other hand, humans seem more intelligent. For example, the humans have the intelligence and tenacity to build spaceships and set up a colony on another planet but they are evil and greedy; evil enough to level the forests of Pandora and mine their land empty. The navi however survive by instinct and physical capabilities. It'd be pretty much impossible for a human to wrestle an ikran to the ground or climb some 1,000 feet to the top of the Halleluiah Mountains. The navi's little nerve ending/connector thingey on the end of their hair proves that they are a much more corporeal and sensual species than humans. Witl the bond, they can feel the exact emotions of another being. Perhaps thats why the navi never advanced technologically... they really didn't need to and thay didn't want to. Humans rely so much on their technology because they can't quite feel for others and rely on others the way the navi do and technology dosen't require sympathy. The navi can get by just as well if not better than humans because thay can see others on a whole different level. The navi are also in a sense much more innocent than humans because they have those feelings for others. In short, the navi are a species that rely on istincts, physical capabilites and feelings.
More Chances to Win a Blu-Ray Player and AVATAR DVD
We've had six winners so far - and we're still giving away more Blu-Ray players and Avatar DVDs. To enter, just join the AVATAR Typepad Community, answer the weekly question below, and you'll be entered to win a free Blu-Ray player and AVATAR Blu-Ray DVD! Each week we pick new winners and th...
Michael added a favorite at AVATAR
May 25, 2010
Haha, nooo, thats not my ride. I wish though! One of these days...
No title
Tell me about it...
where oh where has everyone gone
where oh where has everyone gone
Michael added a favorite at AVATAR
May 16, 2010
Damn thats awful. Gas prices will rise and fall but the environment is something we must always protect.
BP Gulf Oil Spill Leak Plume Gusher Disaster Video
Michael added a photo at AVATAR
May 16, 2010
Oh cool, someone else!
It's only 10:30 on Friday! Where is everyone?
It's only 10:30 on Friday! Where is everyone?
Allright, Michael. See ya later! Eywa ngahu!
Well, goodnight everyone, take care.
Well, goodnight everyone, take care.
Well, goodnight everyone, take care.
Well, goodnight everyone, take care. Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
The next person on here will get a laugh outta...
The next person on here will get a laugh outta this! Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
oh well, I bet this place will be buzzin' with...
oh well, I bet this place will be buzzin' with people tommorw morning Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
kinda strange...
kinda strange... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
I think this is really the first time i've seen no...
I think this is really the first time i've seen no one else on here Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
I love talking to myself
I love talking to myself Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
I guess the only time zones for most people art...
I guess the only time zones for most people art the 3 different ones in America, an then European. So that means it's the earliest for me... because I am in Pacific... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
Looks like Safire was the last one to leave...
Looks like Safire was the last one to leave... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
If only, if only? It could be true!!! Wouldnt that be awesome!
CfA Press Room
They should come down quite a bit in price this november though, just about the time that Avatar comes out in 3D
so who's thinking about getting a 3D TV?
so who's thinking about getting a 3D TV?
Hey everyone! Looks like a pretty slow day on...
Hey everyone! Looks like a pretty slow day on here! Just got back from How to Train Your Dragon and I must admit, it's got some pretty sweet 3D scenes that would make even Avatar jealous! I'd highly reccomend seeing... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2010 at AVATAR
Hey! I'm doin great, got a nice 4 day weekend ahead of me! :-)
Well, school's over and now I can relax (and do...
Well, school's over and now I can relax (and do homeworks) with my avatar family! How are you all?
Oh ok, neat! I can agree with your comedic views to some extent, though. :-)
Rammstein - Frühling in Paris
David, do u know German
Rammstein - Frühling in Paris
Allright, see ya. Enjoy the weekend!!! :-)
Coldplay-- "Clocks"
Allright, i'm outta here for now. Have to go to a...
Allright, i'm outta here for now. Have to go to a concert, just popped in to say hi. Have a great rest of your day, everyone! Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at AVATAR
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