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"Art is life, playing to other rhythms"
Interests: art, music, books, vintage, animals, nature, meeting new eccentric people
Recent Activity
Prompt: I choose today to write about... love... lost in folds of the very fabric it was wrapped carefully in. Finding now that the wrapping was made with ancient memories in such delicate cloth. Love woven decades ago. A deep caring that was expected to grow and flourish with time,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at Poking Pulp
Prompt: If I were open open open to lighting to strike my writing I... A swell of words climb up my spine and waves flow from me, smooth and rhythmic with inspiration and that open open open door. I am open open Open Breathing Waiting for the wind of the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2010 at Poking Pulp
I don't have internet connection but I still wanted to make sure that I wrote today. I've had an interesting and emotionally tumultuous day. Mmmm tumultuous...such a delicious word despite its meaning. I have an incredible ability to sleep. When I need to, I die, and I don't wake up... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2010 at Poking Pulp
Prompt: Laughter and love will change... Laughter and love will change a smile into a radiant beam. Laughter is the strongest link that connects souls. Love springs from laughter. Change is the only constant in life, laughter makes life beautiful and love makes living worthwhile. The interconnectedness of laughter, love,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2010 at Poking Pulp
I relate so much, and the imagery is perfect!
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2010 on And Now I Write at Jodi Mitchell
9/16/10 Prompt: "My hands hold..." What I hold in my hand is electric. I hold choice. I hold indecision. There is an energy that I create with my hands, a pleasure I give, a language I know, a creative force to be reckoned with, a wound to heal, a map... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2010 at Poking Pulp
When I write with passionate wonder and let go of worry I open myself over to the moment. Losing myself, skipping distraction and going straight to the source. I try to be lifted from my physical aches and pains by getting lost in thought, lost in present writing. Passionate,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2010 at Poking Pulp
I want to make the hang with you Julie!
I didn't realize that I had answered a question. I guess that answer works though. In ten years I hope to still be making the hang
Found out that the term "make the hang" as in "I'm going to go make the hang with Charlie" is a jazz term that describes jamming with musicians that are more advanced than you so that it challenges you to grow. I agree with my friend that this term should be a life philosophy. Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at Poking Pulp
Thank you Julie! You are an inspiration!
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2010 on 9/14/10 First Writing Workshop Entry at Poking Pulp
notes: Where you are today Where you plan to be 7 weeks from now “and” bridge With my writing in 7 weeks I would like to bring up new ideas, desires, plans, through my writing. I want to positively create a space in myself for my self. To develop and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at Poking Pulp
CMcB is now following Julie Jordan Scott
Sep 14, 2010
CMcB is now following Jodi Mitchell
Sep 14, 2010
CMcB is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2010