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C Ceres Merry
Lower East Side NYC
Supernatural, Planetary, Science Fiction and Adventure Stories and Art.
Recent Activity
Flash Fiction: "The Hold Up"
Sometimes things just don't go as planned. Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at C Ceres Merry
These are wonderful! Thank you for sharing these, and mine! I love LOVE seeing people's home and spaces and I love how you have us jumping all over the world to one cozy nook after another :)
On Your Desk
Today we start with the urban work space of artist and writer Christian Ceres Merry in New York City. "My table out here in front is where I have been working," she says. "It has the nice sky and Lower East Side of Manhattan view. 'Kinda scary a night ago, when there was a fire nearby and I wa...
Thank you Dark Roasted Blend
Farm Girl's Lament
Falling Up, Niki Jane Farm Girl’s Lament A story by C Merry I am a farmer. Which of course means that I have spent a lot of time in jail. Farming was eventually made legal but the bad girl stigma remains and I like it. Edgy, such as that is, but to those that truly care, they know it’s...
Interview and Feature about me on "Art of Day"
Interview and Feature about me on "Art of Day" Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at C Ceres Merry
Thank you Tom Brown, Author "Hopeless Maine" and "The Copper Age"
Tom Brown 18 August 2010 at 03:11
Re: Farm Girl's Lament
"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
Gods, reminds me of back when Omni magazine was around, i saved the stories for last. Never reading more than one a day (because you had to wait a month for more) This story, was like those. Wonderful!!"
Farm Girl's Lament
Falling Up, Niki Jane Farm Girl’s Lament A story by C Merry I am a farmer. Which of course means that I have spent a lot of time in jail. Farming was eventually made legal but the bad girl stigma remains and I like it. Edgy, such as that is, but to those that truly care, they know it’s...
Mechanical Trees
"girls perched like birds in its branches" Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2010 at C Ceres Merry
Smooch a pup, feel better Tilly!
The Dog's Tale (from Tilly)
Today I learned not to play with wasps and bees. The hard way. Poor me.
C Ceres Merry is now following Jason Sanford
Sep 6, 2010
That lady in blue is oddly attractive.. ;)
Carnival Time
Around here, the end of summer means it's time for the village Carnival. What better way to mark the changing of the seasons than to dress up crazy and parade through the streets with all your friends and neighbors, dancing in the square and carousing at the pubs and making as much music and noi...
Thank you Great Geek Manual
Farm Girl's Lament
Falling Up, Niki Jane Farm Girl’s Lament A story by C Merry I am a farmer. Which of course means that I have spent a lot of time in jail. Farming was eventually made legal but the bad girl stigma remains and I like it. Edgy, such as that is, but to those that truly care, they know it’s...
Thank you LeVar Burton
Farm Girl's Lament
Falling Up, Niki Jane Farm Girl’s Lament A story by C Merry I am a farmer. Which of course means that I have spent a lot of time in jail. Farming was eventually made legal but the bad girl stigma remains and I like it. Edgy, such as that is, but to those that truly care, they know it’s...
Have a wonderful time I know you'll come back with beautiful new inspirations :)
The tune for today:
It's a holiday weekend here in Devon, and a beautiful, crisp, autumn-is-coming kind of day. I've come online just long enough to post the video above, and then I'm taking heed of Stornoway's beautiful song by turning the computer off and heading to the woods, Tilly at my heels.... Sto...
Thank you SFSignal
Farm Girl's Lament
Falling Up, Niki Jane Farm Girl’s Lament A story by C Merry I am a farmer. Which of course means that I have spent a lot of time in jail. Farming was eventually made legal but the bad girl stigma remains and I like it. Edgy, such as that is, but to those that truly care, they know it’s...
C Ceres Merry is now following Shelfari
Aug 28, 2010
C Ceres Merry is now following Sara
Aug 28, 2010
C Ceres Merry is now following Gabriel Mckee
Aug 28, 2010
C Ceres Merry is now following ASterling
Aug 28, 2010
C Ceres Merry is now following Terri Windling
Aug 28, 2010
Other Stories
Happily Ever Over, an epic holiday crime drama. Fire Maiden, what can you do when you are very small and different? Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at C Ceres Merry
Even Satan has a bad day. Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at C Ceres Merry
Farm Girl's Lament
"I liked thinking I would be related to stars." Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2010 at C Ceres Merry
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