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Chandra Alexander
The Real Deal
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We all buy into the platitude that passion diminishes over time but just because many people say the same thing doesn’t make it so. If you feel your relationship is stagnant and has stopped growing, learn why “love grows if you’re not in a coma”. Continue reading
Are you really depressed or are you just sad? If you’ve been told you’re depressed but just feel really sad, learn the difference between clinical depression and normal sadness. Continue reading
Thanks for your comment and stopping by. I've been sending out a daily email for the last 10 years so thought you might enjoy and added your email address to the list. I also have many videos on YouTube on a variety of subjects so if interested, just put in my name and they will all come up. Wishing you the very best, Chandra
Understand that abusive behavior is psychological as well as physical. Emotional bullies are abusive, verbally and mentally. Remember, no one just gets up one day and just hits another person. Abuse is gradual and builds over time. All physical abuse started out as emotional abuse. Continue reading
Regardless of how or where you meet someone, NOTHING substitutes for discrimination. Internet Dating is no better or worse than any other kind of dating. If you do not know how to take care of yourself, ask the important questions, it does not matter if your best friend introduces you to her brother - it will not work. Continue reading
Does the thought of talking to your partner make you nervous and aprehensive? Do you plan everything you want to say? A "Walking on eggs" relationship is a communication nightmare and destroys relationships. Continue reading
Have you often wondered why you are attracted to one person and not another? There is magic to chemistry, a feeling of fitting with another person. Why “chemistry” is important and do you have it? Continue reading
I have been in the same office for the last two years. I ended up there in a rather serendipitous way – It happened to be just down the street from where I live, and the owner of the business was good friends with one of my closest friends. In short order, I looked at the space, had a visual... Continue reading
Dying is not easy to talk about. It’s not bad when you are not the one dying or someone close to you is not the one, but when it hits really close to home, it is not an easy subject to talk about. Continue reading
Do you have a spouse and children, a job you go to everyday and a life that appears busy and full, and yet on the inside you feel numb? If you are simply going through the motions of a life but feel nothing, learn why feeling something, anything, is better than feeling nothing at all. Continue reading
Do you have trouble making a commitment and once you’ve made one, can you keep it? In order to commit, it is important to examine the fears that keep you from truly stepping-up in a relationship Continue reading
Twenty-five percent of the population are introverts, seventy-five perfect extroverts. Just incidentally, introverts make up 60% of the gifted population but only 25% of the general population. If at one point or another in your life you have felt like there was something wrong with you because you seemed "different" than most of your friends, please read the article below and know you are perfect just the way you are Continue reading
I am going to approach doing good business from a little bit different perspective. I am going to talk to you about the relationship you have with your mind and how the state of your mind affects every business decision you make. Unless you have a good mind you will never be able to succeed and keep growing your business, whatever that business might be. Continue reading
Are you plagued with a mind that never rests? If you have trouble sleeping at night, difficulty finishing what you’ve started, and trouble making decisions, learn why having a quiet mind brings peace and clarity and is the foundation for a life that works. Without down time, the mind never rests. Everything needs rest! Sleeping allows the mind to rest.... Continue reading
This is not just because chemistry is the most important thing in a relationship - intimacy really is - but it is an essential ingredient for opening to another, and to forgiving. There is no way to become more vulnerable (essential for intimacy) unless you feel soft towards the other person - and chemistry does that. Continue reading
Nothing is sexier than doing "nothing", just hanging out, enjoying one another's company. Continue reading
Nothing is more difficult than than telling someone who is really nice that you don't want to see them anymore. Not only do you have to be brave, but you have to be kind as well, and you have to know what to say. Continue reading
Are you ready for a real relationship? Most people say yes because they want one, but that is very different than truly being available. You are not available for a real relationship if you are married or separated. Continue reading
Being home is a feeling I like. My home is not just a place where I shut the door, to keep the creepies out, but more a returning, a welcoming back. Anyone who comes to my house usually comments on the aesthetics (I have a lot of art) but always remarks how peaceful it feels. Continue reading
If you are looking to succeed in ANYTHING, nothing is more powerful than having a mentor. A mentor not only shows you the way, a mentor IS the way. Continue reading
According to Wikipedia, "The medium is the message" is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. Continue reading