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s. Florida
Interests: me in a nutshell: photography, arts-n-crafts (esp. scrapbooking, embroidery, sewing, soldering, jewelry making and painting), travel, homeschooling, music, exercise, cooking, reading, collecting anything milkglass, matryoshkas, squirrels or birds, sailor jerry tattoos, chai lattes, thrift stores, photobooths and reading...
Recent Activity
halloween treats
Hello. I have no excuses, life has just been so hectic these last few months. I haven't crafted, scrapbooked or done much creatively. I did however make these gifts for my daughter's teachers. The bigger bag holds a Halloween inspired... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2013 at Splendid
terrarium: mystic black sand
Those who know me know I love terrariums. Loved these tiny crystal points I found, I think looked so cool with the black hematite sand, monterrey beach sand, amethyst clusters and tiny pebbles. a little video taken from my instagram.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2013 at Splendid
Signed up for this awesome class with one of my favorite crafting ladies. and just bought the Studio Calico letterpress kit and a few inks, so looking forward to doing some fun things again with ink and paper! Hooray for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2013 at Splendid
it's a good day.
She's a morning person... Taken from my instagram Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2013 at Splendid
just beautiful PL!!!
Simon Says Stamp + Kelly Purkey Project Kits August + September Blog Hop
Happy Monday morning paper crafting friends! I'm so excited to be participating in a blog hop today featuring one of my favorite artists... Kelly Purkey! I have long admired Kelly's style and creativity, as well as her amazing products (plus she's just too dang cute and lots of fun to hang ou...
just went and bought that kit!!! hooray!
Simon Says Stamp + Kelly Purkey Blog Hop
Happy to be kicking off the week with an exciting Simon Says Stamp blog hop! I'm thrilled to have some of my amazing and oh so talented friends joining me today to share projects using my August + September Project Kit. If you haven't snagged one yet, there are a few still in the store right he...
LOVE!!!! I am always so envious of your craft magic!
Missed you last weekend at the shower...these stinkin' kids with their sports tournaments... hope to see you next time you're around!
Simon Says Stamp + Kelly Purkey Blog Hop
Happy to be kicking off the week with an exciting Simon Says Stamp blog hop! I'm thrilled to have some of my amazing and oh so talented friends joining me today to share projects using my August + September Project Kit. If you haven't snagged one yet, there are a few still in the store right he...
well, hey....
Hi there....I unpacked the LAST box the other day...We moved from southern Florida to southern Nevada. My girls have made friends already, I couldn't be happier for them. With every move, I always stress heavily that they'll be upset or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2013 at Splendid
I love to cook, and in my new bigger kitchen I can't wait to crack open some old cookbooks!
I Love NY
I have a strange addiction to cookbooks. It's not just limited to cookbooks, I buy Bon Appetit every month, Food + Wine almost every month, and Saveur on occasion. I save a lot of recipes from different magazines and have a pumpkin pie one from Locanda Verde in NYC that I'm dying to try. B...
I am hungry again...these look better than Shake Shack...
A One Day Chicago Food Tour
A few weeks ago my friend Don came to Chicago for a quick visit. We had only one day to explore the city and since he is a bartender at Rich Table, one of San Francisco's best restaurants, I felt I had to show off what my city has to offer. So we ate. And ate. And ate. And went to a party. ...
It was "Take your Child to Work Day" and Dave was out of town so I took the girls with me for the day. We ran errands and then decided to stop by Aruba Beach Cafe on the beach. It... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2013 at Splendid
doors shutting...
I snapped this picture in London while we were waiting for the tube to come. Made with Studio Calico Front Row kit, Marcy Penner printables and evalicious flair. Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2013 at Splendid
cheers mate
I love the instagram prints from Persnickity Prints! I was so excited when these arrived the other day. (using the Studio Calico Front Row kit) Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2013 at Splendid
Well, we had a nice spring break...Las Vegas wasn't very warm so we didn't swim or hang by the pool like we'd hoped, but we were busy house and school hunting anyways. Anyone who knows me either in person or... Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2013 at Splendid
I just found this, I thought I'd put it up before. I saw this window while walking in Amsterdam last month and fell in love with the fun, eclectic assortment of globes and plants. I dream of a window like... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2013 at Splendid
<3 <3
I love this picture of Dave and I in Amsterdam last month. We took one of those hop on-hop off canal boat tours (well, actually we bought a 2 day pass because it was nice to go on the many... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2013 at Splendid
evalicious europe mini
I won this seriously awesome scrapbook mini kit from the talented Evalicious' blog hop. I was super excited when it arrived, once I saw all the colors and scrapbook flair and tags I knew I'd use it to document our... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2013 at Splendid
that book is amazing! I would love something like that, or to give as a gift? Priceless!
write. click. scrapbook March gallery
It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas and now here we are looking at March with Spring just around the corner. You know what a new month means around here...a new write. click. scrapbook gallery! March is mini album month and is a fun way to mix it up a bit! I decided to share a mini ...
Stay lighthearted
and free spirtited... Using the Studio Calico City of Lights kit, I love this picture of my little one. She is one of the sweetest and funniest person around, and I hope she always stays that way, light-hearted and free... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2013 at Splendid
European vacation recap
Just a photo recap...Even while it was cold this time in Europe, seeing old friends and favorite places makes me smile when I think about it. Dave and I went to London for a week and Amsterdam for 6 days,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2013 at Splendid
I love those all, but especially the first 3!
Bedroom Inspiration
I have never decorated a designated bedroom in all the apartments I've had as an adult. I lived in just a bedroom with roomates, in studios, and in an apartment where my bedroom was basically a storage room with a bed. It's never been the happy place that I now really would like to have. I am ...
ummm, where's my comment? hmmm...
01. january
Earlier this month Liz wrote a really thoughtful post on project life, three things I'm doing differently this year. If you know me, you know I like thinking about crafting, and talking about crafting, almost as much as I like the crafting itself. So her post really resonated with me. In the co...
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