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Zach Coelius
Recent Activity
Thanks for coming over Jerry. We have been watching the trend really start to develop over the last eight months and it looks like it is really starting to have legs. Differentiated pricing has always been one of the tests we had for exchange viability and so far so good. As a buyer we get happier and happier with the quality that we are seeing.
Pricing Transparency On Ad Exchanges
Sorry about the long break from posting, Triggit has been growing like a weed and it has gotten a little bit crazy over here. Hopefully we can get back to blogging regularly. Now that we have been doing real time bidding (rtb) for almost a year and a half, we are starting to gather a lot of...
Glad to hear you are seeing the same things. A more efficient market is good for all of us.
Pricing Transparency On Ad Exchanges
Sorry about the long break from posting, Triggit has been growing like a weed and it has gotten a little bit crazy over here. Hopefully we can get back to blogging regularly. Now that we have been doing real time bidding (rtb) for almost a year and a half, we are starting to gather a lot of...
I am looking forward to reading the report, it sounds great. Don't hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more from a DSP perspective. Keep up the good work.
Zach Coelius
CEO, Triggit
Will the DSP Kill Ad Networks?
Some of you may know that I started my career in interactive marketing at, now part of AOL Media. I have a soft spot for the "good kind" of ad networks, those who keep the advertiser and publisher interests in mind, who strive for good quality advertisements and content, an...
Zach Coelius is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2009
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