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Are You Critizing Cameron for not Invading Syria?
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I am Concerned that we Now have a Country Run By Fundamentalists. But Cameron has done a Wonderful Job Here and we Should All Celebrate.
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All Hammond did was Stick to the Rules that Labour had set down. Labour would not have Followed Their own Rules? Probably, but can you Trust a Party that does That?
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I Agree. We Must Keep Blaming the previous Government for the Problems. It is a Good and True Message. We May not be Perfect but it is not Our Fault!
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While Global Warming is a notion dreamed up By the Same People who think Fossils prove that God does not Exist, we should Commend Cameron for safeguarding the Planet's future
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We Need to Take care of this Planet and this is a Wonderful Start
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Religion does not Turn People into Killers. But Drugs do.
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He is an Excellent Candidate. He has Stated that He will only run if God gives Him His calling. I am sure He will.
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What are these Allegations about Wallis and Coulson?
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2011 on The Ed Llewellyn/ John Yates emails at thetorydiary
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We need to bring The Times AND The Mirror into this hacking scandal if we're going to get mileage out of it..
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I have long thought that those that criticize the Queen should be punished.. I am defined by my deference to Her Majesty..
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It is in the nature of the left / the socialists to take joy at the demise of successful businesses..
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If we are in power and we cannot get what we want / need re this, then what is point?..
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David Cameron has Come out of this Squalid Affair with his Head held High after a Very Unfavorable and Unfair Press. The Man has Dignity. That means a Lot.
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Sometimes I am Ashamed to be a Conservative.
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I am Sure that Supporting the War in Iraq is not Left Wing either! Robert is Correct on the Other areas however, I Believe
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The Government has Cleaned up a Mess that They inherited and sometimes it is Right to show Compassion for Those less Fortunate than Ourselves
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A 17 Year old having Sex with a 15 Year old IS rape and MUST be Punished.
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British Aid Saves Lives. I know this for a Fact.
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The House of Lords is not Broken.
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The LGA is a Wholly and Unnecessary Quango that Takes are Taxation monies and Invests in itself. I would Support it Being Discontinued.
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The man is a Liar. He has Higher Institutes than the Lords to Worry about.
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This is Mainly aimed at Tim Montgomerie, but also anyone else like me Who is Christian. I didn't want AV but I Take no Pleasure from the Victory. The Campaign was Based on Lies and Mistruths. All my Life these are the things I Avoid. How can any Christian support what went on? Only God will Judge us. AV will be Forgotten about very quickly. But He will not Forget.
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