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I'm in your TypePad, supporting your technicals.
Interests: good music, bad movies, decent books
Recent Activity
Some real talk about adult acne.
I've struggled with mostly mild but very persistent acne my whole adult life. Hormonal birth control helped for a while but the effectiveness dropped off at some point in the last year or so. I'd read a bit about Paula's Choice BHA products here and there and the concept sounds... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2014 at a little joy
I forgot to mention - the code above will hide the text version of the blog title and description. We don't recommend commenting it out in the blog settings - using CSS is better from a SEO perspective. Thanks again!
How To Use TypePad's Responsive Design
Now that Sandi and I have finished our "How To Setup a Blog" series at Stamping and Blogging, and I've finished up the 101 Blogging Tips series here at Blogs By Heather, I'm back into giving you what I do best... "how to" tutorials. Have any suggesetions? Post them to my Q&A page - thanks :D Typ...
Thank you for letting your readers know about our new design! A lot of work went into it and a lot of great new themes will be built on it!
We're going to be posting a full tutorial on adding a banner to this theme on Everything Typepad - there's some extra code that needs to be including to make sure everything scales properly at smaller screen sizes.
It looks like this:
.container .jumbotron { padding: 0; }
.jumbotron { padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; }
.jumbotron h1 { margin: 0; }
.jumbotron h2 { display: none; }
.jumbotron h1 a
background: url(banner.jpg) center top no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
display: block;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
text-indent: -1000em;
min-width: 320px;
/* Extra Small */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.jumbotron { height: 90px; }
/* Small */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.jumbotron { height: 140px; }
/* Medium */
@media (min-width: 992px) {
.jumbotron { height: 180px; }
/* Large */
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.jumbotron { height: 200px; }
That tells the screen to scale the height down based on the width. Start with the Large - that's the height of the banner image at its starting point. Then it should progressively get smaller, using about the same changes I included in the code.
We'll have that and more tips on Everything Typepad soon!
How To Use TypePad's Responsive Design
Now that Sandi and I have finished our "How To Setup a Blog" series at Stamping and Blogging, and I've finished up the 101 Blogging Tips series here at Blogs By Heather, I'm back into giving you what I do best... "how to" tutorials. Have any suggesetions? Post them to my Q&A page - thanks :D Typ...
Things I need to tell you about Ireland.
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and whether you're really Irish or not, you might be celebrating all things green and orange. Since I've actually been to Ireland (bragging), I thought I'd share every single thing I know, in case you ever plan to visit. 1. Ireland is beautiful. There are... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2014 at a little joy
Beauty favs for getting through this awful winter
I think we can all agree that winter sucks and this one has been especially awful. My scalp itches, the skin under and around my nose is flaky and chapped, my hands are parched, my cuticles are ragged, everything is a mess. It's time to take the lotions and creams... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2014 at a little joy
New Year's Eve makeup and some favorite products
I really wanted to do a subtle winged liner and sparkly gold eyeshadow look but it just wasn't happening. I started over twice! So I just slapped on some black eyeliner and smudged it up. I knew I'd be doing a lot of drinking and gabbing so I wanted to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2014 at a little joy
My actual new year's resolutions
I'm actually pretty good at keeping resolutions. Let's see how I do in 2014. Just a few things I want to do: 1. Learn how to apply false eyelashes. Yes, this is #1. 2. Blog on this blog so I have a blog. I've really been shying away from blogging... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2013 at a little joy
Just in my own personal experience, retailers tend to be more willing to let you use their images, since you're promoting their product. I would still note where the image came from in my post and when in doubt, go ahead and ask them if they have preferences for image use. Retailers also sometimes have a page on their site detailing trademark info and providing logos, etc. for media use.
Blogging Best Practices: Photo Use and Attribution
Welcome to our series of posts on Blogging Best Practices! Each Thursday for 10 weeks, we'll debut a new post designed to help you create great content, share it with the world, and become a better blogger. Check out other posts in the series here! It's a simple rule of blogging: images add visua...
Stephen & I fell in love with that show and watched the first two seasons very quickly. It's so addicting and the characters are so engaging! Granny is our favorite :)
Help, I'm in love with a costume drama.
So, Downton Abbey, right? As usual, I'm slightly (fashionably?) behind the curve, but I started, and finished, watching the first season yesterday. And I have a confession to make: various friends who have been blessed with good taste have been after me to watch it for months, and it was totall...
Colleen has shared their blog a little joy
Apr 11, 2012
Hi Cookie -
We understand your concerns and we appreciate that you want to protect your content. However, I want to make sure that it's clear that protecting your content is ultimately up to you - we're the hosting provider, you're the content creator. Basically, if you don't want people to have access to your content for re-use, the only way to make 100% sure that doesn't happen is to not put it online.
We know that Pinterest isn't perfect. As Melanie mentioned, it's a beta service and we're sure they're working out a lot of kinks. We're not affiliated with them in any way, so we're not privy to the goings-on there. However, we think it's a great way to share photos, ideas and beautiful things in a central way - the same way that people share text on Twitter or images on Flickr. It's just another way to get eyes on great content.
I would encourage you to reach out to Pinterest with your concerns. We heard a HUGE amount of feedback that our users wanted a Pin button so we provided that. If you have issues with the Pinterest service itself, they'd be better able to help you there.
Announcing The Pin It Button on TypePad!
Pinterest is a "virtual pinboard" that lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. Whether you're planning a wedding, remodeling a home, looking for new recipes to try, or simply want to collect and share the things you find inspiring, Pinterest is a fun and easy way...
We're keeping the Shop open beyond the holidays, so you're welcome to submit whenever you'd like!
Weekend Project: Setting up Shop
Yesterday, we announced that we're looking for independent retailers to list in the TypePad Shop. We will launch the shop just before Thanksgiving so if you want to be included before the holiday rush, be sure to submit your shop soon. You don't have a shop? No worries! You have a whole slew of ...
If you want to link to the books on Amazon or another retailer, I would just create a Page and insert the images and links there. The above tutorial is more useful if you're using the grid to link to posts within your own blog.
Weekend Project: Grid-style Posts Layout
This weekend's project is inspired by Rachael Herron's blog Yarn-A-Go-Go. Specifically, Rachael has set up her Books section to use a grid format for the book covers and blog post title. Each post then has a detailed synopsis, links to purchase the books, and reviews. If you would like to di...
I read somewhere that The Satorialist guy said he's tried to take pictures of fashionable fatties but they always think he's fucking with them, or something, so he's stopped trying. I think you'd be better suited for that type of project and with how much you're out at shows and stuff, I bet you'd get a lot of great pictures.
The Chubby Sartorialist
My gorgeous sister Kelly, antiquing in Grand Central, 2008 I spend most of my life without a stitch of makeup on, barefoot in jeans and concert t-shirts, but when I get fancy (don't get excited - for me, fancy means changing clothes and putting on mascara and lip balm), my boho side makes an ap...
The "list-style: none" bit of CSS is what hides the bullet points. Did you happen to edit that out of the code?
Weekend Project: Displaying Recent Photos in Advanced Templates
Warning: geekery ahead! If you're an Advanced Template user and want to add even more fun stuff to your blog, this post is for you. If you're a Basic Templates user and want to display the photos recently added to your blog all in one spot, you already have this functionality available as part o...
Colleen added a favorite at Everything Typepad
May 16, 2011
Colleen added a favorite at Everything Typepad
May 14, 2011
Colleen added a favorite at Everything Typepad
May 8, 2011
Colleen added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Apr 20, 2011
Colleen added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Mar 11, 2011
Colleen is now following Jennifer Lynne Roberts
Jan 21, 2011
Colleen added a favorite at Kokochi
Dec 30, 2010
OMG I'M SO EXCITED. Yay!! Congrats!!
Introducing Tesla's little sister
As a last update before our annual holiday card gets posted, finally, I am ready to share that we're expecting Tesla's little sister in May!!! We are thrilled to bits. I am already almost 5 months, and would have shared earlier, but had some reasons. One was I had a miscarriage earlier. I actual...
Colleen added a favorite at Kokochi
Nov 24, 2010
Colleen added a favorite at What is blog?
Nov 24, 2010
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