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The Colourguru
I am an interior designer, perpetually playing with paint, paper & interesting imagery
Interests: These are a few of my favourite things: ALL THINGS COLOUR, Italy, Art & Architecture, Babies, German Shorhaired Pointers, Hot Rods & I also love the movies.........classic movie would be Gone with the Wind.....I love Scarlet, she is SUCH a villan.....Modern movies......The Bourne Identity/Supremacy,Swordfish, The Ya-Ya Sisterhood,Life is Beautiful, The Day After Tomorrow
Recent Activity
Yes - but I am the proud owner of one of your amazing tags karen & I KNOW what a treasure they are - your love & care in creation is so obvious - no WONDER it takes days to make them!@ xhugs keron
How hard could it be to make a tag?
Well, evidently it's as hard as putting together a collage on a large canvas. Evidently, that is, when you consider it took me a few days to get this tag done. Yes, it's small, but you can't just throw it together. Theme, color scheme, composition, balance, etc. — all have to be considered. Okay...
what a precious graphic of an ephemeral moment - congratulations - just beautiful. hugs x Keron
Sacred Space
There are not words for the depth of gratitude I feel for being able to be here for this. Baby is well. Momma is beautiful. Daddy is all smiles. The stars are shining bright tonight for this bless-ed family.
Hi there Mary - how great that you joined OWOH - your 'book of friendship' is delightful - I adore it! Thanks for your kindness & generosity, sharing your lovely treasure with the rest of the world. Please enter me in your draw.
Please come and visit my blog to enter my give away
warm regards
Keron Lee
Melbourne Australia
[email protected]
One World One Heart
I'm almost too late, but I'm sneaking in under the wire to join the One World-One Heart Event. It's a great opportunity for artists to meet each other through their blogs, and maybe win something in the process! On the One World - One Heart site you can learn all of the details and see the...
I have just discovered your blog because of OWOH – your pill box necklace is lovely! Thanks for your kindness & generosity, sharing your lovely treasure with the rest of the world. Please enter me in your draw.
Please come and visit my blog to enter my give away
warm regards
Keron Lee
One World One Heart Giveaway
I have added a second giveaway!!!! Check it out below!!! So, I have decided to take a leap and join the One World - One Heart gypsy caravan. This wonderful event was started by Lisa Swifka over at A Whimsical Bohemian. This is how she describes it The common denominator in blogging is that we...
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