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I'm Beth, a dyed-in-the-wool Masshole born and raised in New England. I'm a Red Sox fan since my childhood in the 1980's, and a third-generation Patriots fan.
Interests: Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, MLB, NFL, sportswriting, blogging, new media, photography
Recent Activity
Papi's House
Posted Apr 6, 2018 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
The last night of the Patriots dynasty
…may not have happened yet. Had the Patriots lost last night at the scene of the XLII crime, it could be said to have ended that previous night they played in Glendale, Arizona, the final cruelty of a game that... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2015 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
About this blog
As is probably obvious, this blog is on hiatus, which may or may not be permanent. I really can't quite decide, which is why I haven't officially closed up shop here yet. In the meantime, see the sidebar for other... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2013 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
The Zebras in the Room
Disclaimer: I'm not blaming last night's loss on the referees -- that honor belongs to the Patriots defense. But that doesn't mean this isn't an issue that needs to be addressed. When it comes to Bill Belichick grabbing the official... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Goodbye, Johnny Pesky, Part 2
I'll admit it. I've been less than enthused about baseball lately. For me, it's full-on football season, and the Red Sox and their losing ways are an afterthought. The current team just doesn't have my heart the way past teams... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
A New Hope
Posted Sep 9, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Resetting the Red Sox
Posted Aug 25, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Two Red Sox Fans Discuss the Current, Er, Situation
"The Red Sox are like a pack of dogs who've been tied up in the back yard with no food or shelter for months, while the owner sits on his couch guzzling beer and watching football. It’s his absenteeism that's led to this crap." Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Thanks, Erik, but that link isn't working...
Goodbye, Johnny Pesky
Everyone's used this photo already. And nobody seems to know the original photographer. But it's perfect, so I'll use it again. This was the first thing that came to mind when I heard about Johnny Pesky's passing today -- this exact moment in St. Louis after the Red Sox won the World Series i...
Goodbye, Johnny Pesky
He was, in short, a priceless living treasure. Those of us alive today will not see his like again.
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Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Thoughts on an Atrocious Loss
Here is Fenway, standing for Aceves, moments before That Thing Happened. It had been a nice, neat little game up until the eighth inning; two quick runs had crossed the plate for the Red Sox in each of the first... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Thanking Youk
Maybe it's a sign I'm getting old. But it really doesn't seem like it was eight years and two World Series ago that Kevin Youkilis was given the silent treatment in the dugout after his first big-league homer in Toronto.
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Posted Jun 24, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Thanking Foulke
Keith Foulke quickly became more than one of my favorite ballplayers ever--he's my cause, my crusade, my talking point. Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Red Sox vs. Marlins Photos
More here Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Hot Hot Heat
When the fourth inning began on a sweltering evening last night at Fenway Park, the game between the Red Sox and the Marlins was, well, still a game. Before a single out had been recorded in that fourth inning, though,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Good News and Bad News for the Red Sox
Will we see the return of the Rally Snuggie this year? Or merely a regression to the mean? Okay, perhaps my last post was a bit harsh. Though the Red Sox still stubbornly occupy the basement in the AL East,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Adventures in Mediocrity: the 2012 Boston Red Sox Season
Well, here it is, folks. I'm calling it right now -- these are your 2012 Boston Red Sox, for better and for worse.
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Posted May 26, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Well, I'm not saying I find it admirable...just that I don't find it the crime against humanity I'd been encouraged to believe it is. I still think Josh is being a pigheaded SOB and doing anything but help his own cause.
Then again, if these guys were finely media-trained diplomats, they might be doing something for a living other than play ball.
Josh Beckett, Rorschach Test
I have a confession to make. After years on the wagon, I slipped this week back into my old sports talk radio habit. It was all too easy to get suckered back in. Toucher and Rich on the morning drive here, tuning in for the Whiner Line there, and the next thing you know I'm flying up 128 yest...
Josh Beckett, Rorschach Test
Like everyone else, I bring a background to this which colors my perception of the jerky pitcher / gigantic Rorschach inkblot that is being turned over in the Boston baseball consciousness. Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
The 5 Things I Think Of When I Think of Matt Light
Matt Light will always be one of the more memorable Patriots, just based on sheer personality Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
The Ballad of Darnell McDonald
No one could have predicted the kind of scorched earth that would be left at the Fens today when all was said and done.
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Posted May 6, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
One of Those Days
In which I kick the proverbial hornet's nest that is "Sweet Caroline". Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Red Sox Photoblogging: Will Middlebrooks' Debut
Another bright spot in Wednesday's otherwise miserable game was the debut of Pawtucket star Will Middlebrooks, who filled in for an ailing Kevin Youkilis at third base. The kid was greeted warmly at Fenway, and returned the compliment by batting... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
Red Sox Photoblogging: High Socks for Everyone
My first live game of the season Wednesday night basically amounted to three-plus hours of shivering and ill-timed Red Sox strikeouts, as the hometown team faltered through nine futile innings against the Oakland A's. But there were some delightful aspects... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
It was a second and 10, Chicago Bears from their own 25 on the chilly ground at Gillette Stadium, well into the second quarter of their game against the New England Patriots on November 26, 2006. Runningback Cedric Benson was... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2012 at Cursed To First - Sox and Pats forever.
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