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Connie Kim
Los Angeles, CA
Recent grad of UCLA Anderson, 2013. LA transplant now living in SF!
Interests: Reading food blogs & running
Recent Activity
Great, glad you had an amazing time! Now its back to nose-to-the-grindstone mode!
Toggle Commented Feb 1, 2012 on Winter Break is Here! at The MBA Student Voice
1 reply
Hi Danielle, thanks for commenting. Yes, I definitely agree with you, and that was one of the key areas of discussion during the brunch, that women most definitely can make it work!
1 reply
"The weather gets much more tolerable once you get to LA, but the traffic gets even worse and the drivers that much more crappier ;-)" I beg to differ! I call LA driving "aggressive-but-efficient-driving." :P
1 reply
Hi Sean, Yep, I agree. Start saving for the long winter. And who knows if the Fed will start QE 3 here soon... Onto a brighter topic: I hope you do apply to Anderson! Its a great school nestled in the perfect location. I went to UCLA for my undergrad and cant wait to go back.
Toggle Commented Aug 11, 2011 on To be Indebted at The MBA Student Voice
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Zankou's definitely good but there are tons more places for you to try! :) And yes, I saw that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well...Too funny!
Toggle Commented Aug 7, 2011 on Breaking Bad (Habits) at The MBA Student Voice
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Hi Karan! Yep, I was completely looking forward to it and it didnt disappoint!
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Jul 5, 2011