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Connie Kim
Los Angeles, CA
Recent grad of UCLA Anderson, 2013. LA transplant now living in SF!
Interests: Reading food blogs & running
Recent Activity
Great, glad you had an amazing time! Now its back to nose-to-the-grindstone mode!
Winter Break is Here!
The last time I had a winter break (or summer break, or spring break, or any kind of "break," for that matter) was a whole six years ago. Re-reading that last sentence, I'm very tempted to wallow a bit in self-pity, but fortunately--or unfortunately--for most first-year students winter break all...
Hi Danielle, thanks for commenting. Yes, I definitely agree with you, and that was one of the key areas of discussion during the brunch, that women most definitely can make it work!
Women's Business Connection Brunch Series II: Consulting
Gopi Jayaswal & Alli Alter, both MBA class of 2013. Thank you for organizing the event! It's that time again: another post of the Women's Business Connection brunch series! This time, we're honing in on women in consulting in the greater Los Angeles area. The event was held on Sunday, November...
"The weather gets much more tolerable once you get to LA, but the traffic gets even worse and the drivers that much more crappier ;-)"
I beg to differ! I call LA driving "aggressive-but-efficient-driving." :P
Arrival in LA in Five Days or Less
My route went: Sunday: Delaware (my parents' place) to Pittsburgh, PA Monday: Pittsburgh to Columbia, MO Tuesday: Columbia, MO to Denver, CO Wednesday: Denver, CO to St. George, UT Thursday: St. George, UT (by way of Zion Canyon) to Los Angeles, CA My relationship with driving is sort of ...
Hi Sean,
Yep, I agree. Start saving for the long winter. And who knows if the Fed will start QE 3 here soon...
Onto a brighter topic: I hope you do apply to Anderson! Its a great school nestled in the perfect location. I went to UCLA for my undergrad and cant wait to go back.
To be Indebted
Within the incoming students' Anderson Facebook group as well as in the Google group, there is a raging debate about the current state of student loans. And in light of the recent bill that was signed into law just earlier this week, it's safe to assume that in some way or another, all of us wi...
Zankou's definitely good but there are tons more places for you to try! :) And yes, I saw that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well...Too funny!
Breaking Bad (Habits)
In less than two weeks I will be saying 'goodbye for now' to Vancouver - a city that I have called home for two years and have loved living in for just as long. My summer has been one of transition that has seen various phases come and go. What began as an exhale after leaving my full-time job t...
Hi Karan! Yep, I was completely looking forward to it and it didnt disappoint!
Pre-MBA Musings: Hawaii Trip!
So before I officially indenture myself to Anderson for the next two years, I want to make sure that I get some much-needed trips out of the way. Being a native Californian and never having been to Hawaii, I felt a bit of shame and mentally told myself that I should--no, that I must--go. After...
Connie Kim is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 5, 2011
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