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The daily struggles and highlights of standing on your own two feet.
Interests: Writing, kayaking, sipping cocktails in a nice bar with the girls, shopping (when I have the money), being a fun and exciting Aunty to my two nephews.
Recent Activity
RebeccaStirling is now following Seth Godin
Aug 24, 2011
Mark Zuckerberg isn't Mark Zuckerberg
"Mark Zuckerberg" has become a codeword for the truly gifted exception, the wunderkind freak of nature for whom traditional rules don't apply. via Seth Hits the nail on the head one again. Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 24, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
I see our problem...
In times of such economic hardship, why have they wasted our money putting leather seats on buses? Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
Good thing's come to those who...
Everyone has herd the saying... 'Good things come to those who wait'. What a load of Crap! How many successful people do you know of who got to where they are now by waiting for brilliant opportunities to land in their lap? None. Good things come to those who work... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
RebeccaStirling is now following Rohit
Aug 24, 2011
How To Use The F-Word Strategically (And Why You Should)
How To Use The F-Word Strategically (And Why You Should) I have just become an avid reader of the Influential Marketing Blog! It takes a refreshing and honest look Marketing ideas that work and ones that are a waste of time and money. Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 24, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
RebeccaStirling added a favorite at Conscious Ambition
Aug 23, 2011
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
Turn up with a bottle of wine in one hand and chocolates in the other... unless they have something contagious... then I sympathize from afar. Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
RebeccaStirling is now following Debra Stang
Aug 23, 2011
Hello 9 year old me... I will try to stop dissapointing you now.
So, after 3 weeks of searching I was offered a job as the Marketing Manager for a Water Sports company selling Canoes and Kayaks. I work with a great bunch of people and My boss is even paying for me to take my Professional Diploma in Marketing. This has all... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
You can have your dream Job…..
As long as you don’t expect to be paid! In one week I will be joining 8% of the economically active population in unemployment. Not a fun or desirable prospect for a workaholic. I have never been unemployed for long before and believe this is because I will suck it... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2011 at Conscious Ambition
RebeccaStirling is now following The Typepad Team
May 17, 2011
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