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Craig Goodwin
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New Blog at
Thanks for stopping by. I'm no longer blogging here at Year of Plenty. I'm now writing and sharing at I'd love to have you join me their to continue the conversations started here. Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2014 at yearofplenty
This is a good word Tod. I do worry a bit about idealizing the global church given the divisions that persist there as well. In this age of discontinuous change it seems there is no where to turn for stability. That being said I'm reminded of studies that show that Americans have far more anxiety in our lives compared to people around the globe, despite the fact that we objectively have much less to worry about. If I recall the studies, they point to the ability of people in unstable global settings to handle a lot more uncertainty because they are used to it. Americans, on the other hand, are much less practiced at engaging uncertain futures. Hopefully, as we get better at engaging these new circumstances, our depression and anxiety will turn to the kind of hopeful anticipation you describe so well in this post. I too am grateful for the ecumenical and international experience at Fuller. I'm glad to have you there helping lead the charge.
A Cure for Denominational Depression
I’m a pastor in a denomination that is in the middle of (yet another) divide. I sat through another discussion about exiting churches at our Presbytery meeting a couple of weeks ago. It was like being part of a divorce negotiation with a couple that still loves each other yet one spouse can’t fa...
Cancer Update - Remission
"As far as I'm concerned you are in remission." Those were the doctor's words today when we got the results of yesterday's PET/CT scan. According to the report I am "PET negative," which means there are no signs of cancer... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2013 at yearofplenty
Cancer Update: The Room Where People Go to Die
Cancer Update: "You know what they usually use this room for, don't you." That was the nurses response to my many exclamations about how nice the room is for this week's stay at the hospital. (Yes, I'm back for another... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2013 at yearofplenty
Cancer Update: I'm back in the hospital getting chemo number 2 of 6. Feeling good so far. It's been a day of serendipities. 1. It turns out my nurse for the day read my book and is a fan. She... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2013 at yearofplenty
Cancer Conversation Starters
On October 4 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Here's my update from October 23. "Wow, you used to have a lot more hair. When was that picture taken?" That was the comment the retail clerk at Sears made when... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2013 at yearofplenty
Kicking Cancer's Butt
On October 4 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I'm going to start migrating some of my ongoing reflections to this blog. Here's the update from October 17. I've been out of the hospital now for a week and the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2013 at yearofplenty
Graham Crackers, Corn Flakes, and Other Echoes of Christian Food Ethics
The most interesting section in Theology on the Menu, thus far, is the review of early U.S. history where Christian leaders were on the forefront of the healthy food movements. The authors highlight the religious justifications for 19th century justifications... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2013 at yearofplenty
What Happened to Christian Food Practices?
I'm in the reading and studying phase of my sabbatical and one the my questions as I approach the reading is, "What happened to Christian food practices?" Food is a prominent topic in the Bible and through much of church... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2013 at yearofplenty
Wendell Berry - The Bible is an Outdoor Book and "outdoors we are confronted everywhere with wonders"
Took this picture at Schwabacher Landing in the Tetons earlier this summer. “I don’t think it is enough appreciated how much an outdoor book the Bible is....It is best read and understood outdoors, and the farther outdoors the better. Or... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2013 at yearofplenty
My Huckleberry Cleanse or What I Learned from a Week of Wild Foraging (Pt. 2)
Tulip heads are cleaned off the plants at the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. As I prepared for a week of eating only wild-foraged foods there was a lot of chatter online about the recent popularity of cleanses, where people go... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2013 at yearofplenty
What I Learned from a Week of Eating Only Wild-Foraged Food (Pt. 1)
I've long wondered what it would be like to dedicate a week to eating only wild-foraged foods and this has been my week to give it a try. The foraging experience is vastly different depending on the season. Early spring... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2013 at yearofplenty
Washington Monthly - How Washington D.C. is failing farmers
The Washington Monthly has an important article about recent efforts to help independent farmers who are increasingly victims of unscrupulous practices by large meat processors. The gist of the article is that the meat industry has become so consolidated with... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2012 at yearofplenty
Good stuff.
One comment at the end stuck out to me. You say, "The cultural advantage we experience during the 18 centuries of Christendom has almost completely dissipated." I agree that the place of privilege is rapidly declining but I think it still lingers in powerful ways that undermine our ability to commit to new ways of leading. In reality, it may have "almost completely dissipated," but in our pastoral imaginations it still seduces us with the illusion that we can return to the Promised Land with a few tweaks here and there.
Our close proximity to the good old days, especially in the mainline church, makes it hard to imagine that there is no going back. We're like the first generation of exiled leaders in Babylon, and for the younger generation of pastors, we're second-generation exiles trying to lead the first generation of exiles. We are in contexts where people aren't yet convinced that Christendom is gone for good.
I think you state the challenge well, I just think the challenge of adapting leadership in this new reality is more daunting than any of us would like to admit. We not only have to help people discover hopeful new ways of being the church, we have to help people recognize just how hopeless our current trajectory is. The prophet Jeremiah comes to mind as a good model of this kind of leadership.
Three Leadership Truths: Essential, Functional, Developmental
Leadership is distinct from management because leadership is about transformation—personal and organizational transformation. While management, like stewardship, cares for what is, leadership is about what can be or what must become for an organization to fulfill its reason for being. To that e...
Bike of the Future? Chainless, Electric, and Foldable or Fixed Gear
Instead of pedaling to turn a chain and wheel hub, these pedals power an alternator that charges the battery that motors the bike. And it folds up. Pretty cool. Not sure why no one is wearing a helmet in the... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2012 at yearofplenty
The Other Pew Poll - 1 in 5 Americans Now "Unaffiliated" With Religion
While the Pew poll on the Presidential election is getting most of the recent headlines, there is another Pew poll that came out this week on religion in American that is more significant. According to the Pew Research Center, one... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2012 at yearofplenty
Beware Visions of a Vegetarian Dystopia
Roger Ebert's Journal pointed me to a forboding article at the Guardian by John Vidal that warns that the coming worldwide water shortage will force all of us into a meat-lovers apocalypse of vegetarianism. Leading water scientists have issued one... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2012 at yearofplenty
Year of Plenty Update - Chasing Butterflies
My last post on this blog announced the start of a new season for the Millwood Farmers' Market. Somehow it seems appropriate that I should now announce the end to the outdoor season at the Millwood Famers' Market. Another growing... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2012 at yearofplenty
Great stuff Tod. I wholeheartedly agree about where the change is going to come from. Sign me up as a member of the butter-knife tinkerers who are experimenting in the garages of churches around the country.
One observation I have about some of the conversations going on among the newly forming Presbyterian bodies is that people have expressed great confidence that somehow the new systems will allow for the kind of experimenting you describe. That may be true, but I'm aware that there is nothing really substantial in the current system that keeps us from missional experiments. Whether that kind of work is officially sanctioned by the national governing body, it has really always been possible. Too often, pointing fingers at the system has proven to be a wonderful act of work avoidance, a way to soothe frayed nerves about the chaos afoot in so many of our churches, a way to say that the problem is out there somewhere.
We have to face the harsh reality that we, as leaders in the church, have passed on the opportunity to try different ways of being the church. We have been stuck and a new system is not going to be enough to get unstuck. If anything, creating new systems might reinforce the idea that the problem is somewhere out there, when, in fact, the problem is within us.
It will take a change in us as leaders to innovate new futures.
Butter Knives in the Final Frontier #PCUSA #leadership
My Dad can fix anything with a butter knife. In Dad’s hands a simple kitchen instrument that just that morning had been instrumental in making PB & J sandwiches for school lunches, becomes, at once, a screwdriver, a paint scraper, a pry bar, a file, a lever and even a small hammer. It is reall...
CBS's "Food, Faith & Culture" leaves out Christians - What happened to Christian food traditions?
An upcoming CBS "interfaith special" titled, "Food, Faith & Culture" will explore the deep connection between food and faith in world religions. When I first saw the headline I was excited to see a high-profile exploration of this topic. I'm at the tail end of following the Ramadan fast as... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2012 at Tables of Plenty
Our Exploration of Christian Food Practices Takes a Detour Into Ramadan
Our year of exploring Christian food practices hasn't unfolded exactly according to plan. Life circumstances have made it challenging but I'm back in the saddle this month with another immersion experience of faithful food practices. So far our family has observed the Orthodox Advent and Lenten fasts. We followed Kosher... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2012 at Tables of Plenty
Millwood Farmers' Market Opening Day on Wednesday, 3-7pm
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Posted May 21, 2012 at yearofplenty
Wendell Berry, the Inhabit Conference, community gardens, and the kingdom of God
Last week I had the privilege of attending the Inhabit Conference, a collaboration between the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and the Parish Collective, a network of faith leaders equipping churches to live out the gospel in their neighborhoods.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2012 at yearofplenty
My Take on Ethics of Eating - More grace needed in current food debates
Last week I was a panelist on an Ethics of Eating event at Sante' restaurant in downtown Spokane and today's edition of the Spokesman Review has an article on what transpired. The in-person event, pictured above, was organized in response to a heated virtual debate on Facebook over the fact... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at Tables of Plenty
My Take on Ethics of Eating - More grace needed in current food debates
Last week I was a panelist on an Ethics of Eating event at Sante' restaurant in downtown Spokane and today's edition of the Spokesman Review has an article on what transpired. The in-person event, pictured above, was organized in response... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at yearofplenty
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