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I would love a copy of Amy's CD! She has a beautiful voice!
[email protected]
Win A Signed Amy Grant CD...
Amy Grant has a new CD out. It's so refreshing to hear her pure voice again and this album has a LOT of great duets on it, including one with James Taylor, Vince Gill and Sheryl Crow. Amy's office was sweet enough to send me a few signed copies of the CD, and I'd love to give some away. Leave a c...
Colleen Coble
My name is Janet Dowell
Name This Author - Win a Novel (Round 27)
Oh, goody. It's Wednesday once again. Another chance for Write Thinking readers to win a book or two. And this week's featured author has given us lots of fun facts. This author began life as a surprise, the caboose on a train of siblings 9, 11, and 13 years old. One of her earliest memories in...
Coolcat1991 is now following Robin Lee Hatcher
May 14, 2011
Coolcat1991 is now following The Typepad Team
May 14, 2011
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