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Coreen Trost
Recent Activity
That's wonderful that you donating your bargain treasures to those teens. I always donate teen gifts too and many of the things are my own 'bargain extra' from my Avon orders (sell and it's just too tempting sometimes) :-).. Great blog and I signed up for type pad so I can comment and follow.
Big Hug for you and you big heart!!
~ Coreen
Giving 'Til It (Almost) Hurts
Those of you who read here regularly know two things: I'm a big-time deal shopper ("extreme couponer", no, but I try) and I'm rebuilding my Jafra business. So when I found out that our local Girl Scout unit was going to be supporting the kids for Salvation Army's Christmas party(ies) and that ...
Coreen Trost is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 5, 2011
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