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Corey Rich Productions
Recent Activity
Yes, Facebook paid for the footage.
Hi Ted, thanks for the compliments! We actually used a great helicopter pilot from Cloudlevel Media,, check out the site and get in touch with them for more information about the heli. Thanks!
Thanks for the kind words in regards to Why - it was a great project with an amazing group of people. In regards to the webinar - yes, it will be available on line after the live broadcast. I'll post a link and more info once it's available.
Toggle Commented Jun 26, 2012 on PhotoShelter - Webinar at Corey Rich Productions
Thanks Marco! It was an amazing trip and a very fun project. Unfortunately, the Lowepro bag I had with me on the trip is no longer available, but this is the next best thing:,2154.htm
Corey Rich Productions is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010