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The Corporatethief Beats
Interests: Hip Hop Beats, Rap Music , Music Marketing, Music, Rap , Hip Hop, Music Production , Blogging ,Vlogging
Recent Activity
Hay guys loved the topic here and have to note that this topic isn't discussed or spoken about too much within the music industry or with other music blogs.
I have to say that some times we have to look at ourselves as the harshest critic's. I feel that some times as musicians we strive for that piece of perfection that can never be accomplished.
Do you ever notice that some times when you spend days or months on a particular song and put everything you have into it. That this song never gets the recognition that we think it should.
But a song that you put together in 15 minutes waiting for your pizza to cook gets everybody asking for a copy of your CD or How they can find it on Itunes ?
Music Marketing Podcast #8 - How to Deal With Criticism
"You suck!!" Almost every musician has heard something similar to this at one time or another. It comes with the territory of releasing your creation to the public. Inspired by a "bad review" of my book, Six-Figure Musician, this episode talks about criticism and your opportunity to handle it ...
Corporatethief is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 5, 2013
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