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Corrine Casanova
Recent Activity
Corrine Casanova is now following Gayla Marty
Apr 6, 2010
Corrine Casanova added a favorite at Gayla Marty
Mar 29, 2010
Blessings for the trees? A great concept. My folks are Winter Texans. I go visit them each year and am greeted at the Harlingen Airport by palm trees. It nearly takes my breath away. My folks live in a condo where someone is contracted to maintain palm trees. They scurry up the trees and take some of those palms down. If the trees aren't properly maintained, the dead palms collect and are a perfect location for rodents to nest! I guess I'll just stick with my evergreen trees.
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2010 on Palm Sunday at Gayla Marty
This photo is precious and certainly appropriate for the "in like a lion, out like a lamb" March saying. Now I'm yearning for the Minnesota State Fair in August and it's not even April. Love to pet the lambs, but don't have much opportunity for that here in the suburb of Blaine. Perhaps I need to schedule a trip over to the University of Minnesota St. Paul campus to pet a lamb. Anybody have any connections on the St. Paul campus to make my dream a reality?
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on In like a lamb at Gayla Marty
This sunrise photo of the family farm is so striking. It just makes me want to go digging through old family photo albums to find reminders of my childhood. I like how your book focuses on the seasons. Thanks for sharing this special photo. Eager for the book launch to hear more about some of your photos and the memories you have about them.
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on Spring on the horizon at Gayla Marty
Corrine Casanova is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 21, 2010