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Thanks for this. These past 2 weeks have been very frustrating and worrisome but you've eased my mind a bit. My webstream is no-budget, donation only and we're here with the purpose of exposing new music to music fans. I cap my listener limit so we're not casting to a huge audience. I'm content with a small cult following. I'm not trying to get advertising or anything. Our audience donates to keep us going but it's "just enough" to pay expenses. I make nothing off the deal. The way we were hearing it the past few weeks was I was going to have to pay as much as a Clear Channel station for the privilege of helping to expose other people's art. It's not that I'm against paying anything. Nothing like that. But paying the same as a multimillion dollar corporate radio (either FM/AM or on line like Pandora) would be, IMO, criminal. Thanks so much for clarifying in this article.
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Dec 28, 2015