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Louisville, Kentucky
Episcopal priest, artist, ecumenist, and sometime geek
Recent Activity
MoAmy+ is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 25, 2010
I'm haunted by Bishop Duracin's words in the written column that accompanied this video: "We have only enough for perhaps another day or two." That was 3 days ago.
The situation in Haiti
There was some good reporting about the heroic ministry of the Episcopal bishop of Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake on Friday. The Wall Street Journal talked about the "island of organization" in the midst of chaos that he had managed to create. Kendall Harmon points to this video from th...
From the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut:
Social Networking guidelines for Presbyterian churches and governing bodies?
As we continue to pray for the continued relief efforts in Haiti, we all struggle with how we go about our work and ministry attuned to the immediate and long term needs both close at home and around the world. So much seems inconsequential these days in the face of such tragedy, yet even those...
MoAmy+ is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 8, 2010
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