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Courtney Walsh
I'm an author, freelance writer and papercrafter who dabbles in paint, photography and theatre...
Interests: writing, theatre, scrapbooking, photography, movies
Recent Activity
We love so many of the same ones, but I have to add two all-time faves: "When Moon Fell Down" by Linda Smith (who passed away--I'm not sure the book is even available anymore, but it's BEAUTIFUL and sweet) and "The Remarkable Farkle McBride" by Jon Lithgow.
Brilliance. :)
annie's favorite books
i love children's books. when i find one with illustrations that pull me in i always feel like drawing. they are just such a beautiful way to enjoy childhood. i have great memories of reading with my kids. annie is working hard to finish up something at school for points. she has had all year...
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