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Stacy McGinnis
Interests: Reading,
Reading about Scrapbooking
Recent Activity
Love, love this bracelet! Can't wait to make it, oh, and see all of you! :)
The Hope Bracelet
We are holding on to HOPE in a glass hand... so strong and beautiful, and yet so fragile. If you are joining us for "The Gilded Nest" art event July 30-August 1, you will be leaving on Sunday with your very own affirmation of hope, and all that means to you. Sterling silver, semi-precious sto...
Yum-Yum. This room is simply delish! Love the idea of using a door to hang art on! Now I know what to look for next time I'm out scavenging. Plus, I'd like to have a "loving room" also. :)Peep.
Simple Salvage Style Decorating
Are you like me and love to decorate using architectural salvage pieces? Anything from old doors, corbels, windows, porch columns, mantels and such are all worthy room adornments in my book. Take for instance my neutral color palette, a pair of porch columns frame the window seat and add a touc...
Yay!! I've been eyeing that book for awhile, and now it's mine! :) Thank you Teresa!
Book of Inspiration Winner!
Very happy to report that lilacs are blooming. I look forward to their debut every Spring! Their fragrance fills the backyard...heavenly. There are some Artist Spotlights on the Silver Bella Blog I hope you'll check out! So many talented new instructors coming this year and I want Bellas t...
Oooh, I've been wanting a copy!
Book of Inspiration
Perhaps you've seen it? Perhaps you haven't yet? Jo and Jenny's collaborative: Book of Inspiration is sooo beautiful. And soooo inspiring. I'm not just saying that because I'm one of the artists featured inside. There are so many great studios and stories. And yay because I've got a copy to g...
Carol, amazing! Congrats on the weight loss! I can not wait to see your farm house! Have fun this weekend!
Moving Into The Farmhouse
This past weekend after 7 months of renovations, we are moving into the farmhouse! Gosh it seems strange to finally talk about moving but it is coming true. I probably should add a disclaimer that it will take a good two weeks to do but heck we are making some progress. In the middle of clea...
Merci beaucoup to you too! You are the best hostesses in the state of Texas, maybe the world, even sans scones!
French General Comes to Dallas
If you are very, very lucky good ... and very, very lucky, one day your email inbox will contain a message from Kaari Meng asking if you would like her to come and teach a class at your place. When you finish doing the requisite happy dance, you compose yourself and say "Oh, we would be ever s...
Love those shoes!!!
I stitched my kicks
This weekend I went down my list of "want to do somedays" and picked a simple project: embroider on a pair of tennies. I did bright, playful colors for Spring. Yay! I only stitched on the right shoe. Is that bad? I should probably do the left shoe, too. These navy gingham Converse shoes are ...
Love it! As usual, makes me want to get stitching! :) We're all excited to hear about SB!
Half way point
Well, maybe a 70% complete. Little by little, still stitching. Sorta wondering why I made this sampler so big...but I love a challenge, so it's just going to take a bit longer, right? Love to overlap pieces. Especially when you don't like how something turned out. Just put something over i...
Stacy McGinnis is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Silver Bella 2010 Date
At least once a day I get an email from folks asking about details about Silver Bella. I try to answer them as best I can. The most asked question is, "When is Silver Bella?" Well, I'm happy to report that I have an official answer. As things progress, I'll update everyone...but for now, Silve...
Oh Teresa, I love this! You always make me want to get up from the computer and go stitch something cute! :)
That Valentine's Day Sampler
A personal art victory...I finally finished this Valentine's Day sampler! I showed a few photos of it in process here. Of course it took forever, but I only work on it a few minutes a day, and usually in the school parking lot waiting for my son or on car rides to their events. So, when yo...
Hello peep! I LOVE the pics of the house, wow, I love those floors and those chairs from Restoration and the chandelier!!
I'm totally inspired. :)
Congrats on the weight loss, it is hard to do, and I am so proud of you.
Love you bunches!
Two part post! First section will be to catch you up on everything related to the farmhouse renovations. Second will be to catch you up on my weight loss journey thus far. The incredible snow storm and cold weather that we had starting on Christmas Eve put all of our remaining renovations on ho...
Coke Zero,the best diet drink ever!
Pepsi vs. Coke
Have you tried this stuff? Oh my, my. My... I am a die hard Coke fan, but this stuff....make with real sugar, like it used to be when I was growing like a little bit of heaven. NOT even kidding. I've only had about 5 sips, and it's been wonderful. We look all over town for it. Found...
Hey baby! It was great to see you again, even if it's only once a year! Your booth was gorgeous, as usual. (even without my amazing unpacking skills) :)
Silver Bella ‘09
This past weekend I spent four incredible days at the Silver Bella event in Omaha with 200 of my creative friends. I must say I was truly overwhelmed with the friendship (Thank You for all the beautiful gifts) and talent that these Women continue to bring to make Silver Bella such a wonderful ex...
Thank you so much Teresa, it was a five day glitter-y blur of fun! It's amazing all the wonderful people that are now in my life, just because of Silver Bella!
I had the time of my life and I owe it all to you-oo...
(pardon my Patrick Swayze moment there) but Silver Bella was amazing this year...I think every year it can't possibly get better. This year it did, and it was with the help, blessing, smiles and hard work of so many. The students and instructors...all incredible! Wow. I'm still soaking it all in...
These are lovely Teresa! I'm counting down the days until Silver Bella...
New little bits soon
I've been stitching a few things lately. Here's where I am at the moment. I've had a long time love affair and fascination with religious adornments, medals and relics. I have a growing collection, too. Why not make some myself and see what happens I thought. Well, that's when the flood gate...
This is so fun, getting to see your house bit by bit! I love the "cookie dough" color walls, the chandelier, the sink, I'm just so happy for you! I promise I will come visit one day!
I thought I would jump right in and show you one of my favorite parts of the farm house~The Kitchen! Facing east and flanked by two enclosed porches on the front and back, the kitchen is one of the main reasons I could not speak after seeing the house for the first time. The bank of windows...
I can't wait for the photos!
Jeanne d Arc Living Giveaway
Four years ago this month I started Raised In Cotton and entered the wonderful blogging world. As you know from my previous post, blogging lets me combine my love of creative ideas and photography with you Dear Friends:) In honor of my 4 year blogiversary, I am doing a blog giveaway that I think...
I may have to pick up a copy of the book because I still have so many blogging questions! And by the way YOU are a dear friend!
Blogging for Bliss Book Launch Party
Today we are celebrating Tara Frey’s newly released book, Blogging for Bliss. Even if you are a seasoned blogger or just thinking about starting a blog, Blogging for Bliss is an informative guide to all aspects of blogging. I am honored that Raised In Cotton is one of the blogs featured in ...
Holy guacamole! I am definitely going to have to make a road trip up your way! I am so, so, happy for you! Keep those pictures coming!
Farmhouse Love
Amazing Dear Friends:) What a wonderful response you gave to me when I shared the farmhouse news. Mr PracticalPants and I actually take possession in 26 days. I have so many ideas planned and am counting on all of you to help me with some creative decorating. Many of you ask for photos so here ...
Summer is over because volleyball season has begun! :)
4 yards on me!!!
Whirlwind family excursion and back to work. So pick your fave from the last three collections while I get my act together!!! Thanks for all your sweet comments about my kiddos they are heartfelt! Working on two new collections so stay tuned..As always I appreciate your flickr postings and yo...
Oh my! I am sooooo excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures! Congratulations sweet peep!
My Farmhouse Dream
A few weeks ago Deb sent me this link~ For Sale~Beautiful two story Missouri farmhouse built in 1865 with original stained glass doors, 9 ft ceilings, crown molding, pine plank flooring, center staircase with carved post, porches, fireplace and transform windows. Sellers moving out of state,...
Peep, you and Heather working on something together? It will be fabulous I'm sure! Say hello to old blue eyes for me. :)
A Chat With Heather Bullard
I have found over the last two years that I simply love to interview creative people on my blog. Earlier this year I did a series of interviews with some of the lovely Scandinavian bloggers that I follow which was really well received. When my friend Heather Bullard told me she was working on ...
Oh girls, I had so much fun! You really know how to throw a party, next time I'm staying 'til midnight!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful hospitality!
Full House
If you ever get the chance to fill your home with creative, caring, fascinating women for a day, here's my advice... just. do. it. This past Saturday, we got that chance, and what an inspirational experience it was! We provided a project "muse". A jumping off point for a lovely paper...
Wow, it's like a new box of crayolas!
She so gets me!!
This wall speaks to me!! I just wanted to say thanks to Jona from Fabritopia for her love of color..I discovered this photo when I was on her blog the other day and it made me so happy!! When you see the Sis Boom fabrics all together it makes me swoon. Now if only every room in every house acr...
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