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Jill Grace
Recent Activity
Awwww.... and *seriously* so gorgeous in person!
Seriously love this tag!!! (and I actually have a little time tonight to fart around on blogs!)
Amazing colors and such a fun card!
I freaking LOVE this!!!!
Love this Cheiron - so fun and the detail is incredible!
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2015 on 12 tags of 2015: january at create with cheiron
You are such an inspiration Cheiron - amazing card and amazing techniques. I have so much to learn from you! LOL
This is just TOO MUCH FUN!!!! LOVE this tag and love your creativity!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2014 on 12 tags of 2014: july at create with cheiron
These are FABULOUS!!! Super smart of you to get a jump start too! Thanks for making me feel cool on this very warm day
super sunshine-y!!! Love this - simple yet elegant
Fun card! You are so clever girl!
So sweet Cheiron!
These are so fun! The egg really is perfect, I'm tickled pink too!
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2014 on My Silly Valentines at Crafty Lizzie
Freaky is rad! This is so fun :)
These are so fabulous Liz! The card with the memory box trees did turn out amazing - such lovely image. Hope you are feeling better soon
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2014 on Winter Holiday Designs at Crafty Lizzie
Inspiring Cheiron! These are amazing
Ok, crazy fun! Nicely done!
GREAT job on this post Cheiron! So informative and so fun!
What a sweet card - reminds me of your niece :)
I might have just fainted a lil ;) Love your cards, especially the lovely sentiments you write. Glad you shared these!
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2013 on Catching up at Crafty Lizzie
lovely… my thoughts exactly
Super fun card and clever design!!! (and I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner)
Loving how you used the stencil!
Gah!!! This is crazy fabulous!!! I am smitten.