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Autryville, North Carolina
I just want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares
Interests: I am passionate about paint, fabric, puppies, and my family. Not necessarily in that order. I'd rather shop the hardware store than the mall.
Recent Activity
Thank you Karen. The yellowing really is a bummer. Pluming is never fun to get into, no matter how old the house. We built this house 21 years ago and at the time the pipes they used (quest) were kind of a new thing, supposedly the latest and greatest. We've had all sorts of problems with the connecters spontaneously leaking.
Best of luck with your renovations! They are looking wonderful.
XO Autum
18 Months
I've been living with these beautiful gifted lungs for 18 months. More than living, thriving! My creativity has recently awakened and it's as if I'm making up for lost time. I want to paint, sew and build all the things. For a couple years prior to transplant I just didn't have the energy to do...
Thank you so much! I am so committed to making the very most of this life because it truly is a gift ❤
18 Months
I've been living with these beautiful gifted lungs for 18 months. More than living, thriving! My creativity has recently awakened and it's as if I'm making up for lost time. I want to paint, sew and build all the things. For a couple years prior to transplant I just didn't have the energy to do...
18 Months
I've been living with these beautiful gifted lungs for 18 months. More than living, thriving! My creativity has recently awakened and it's as if I'm making up for lost time. I want to paint, sew and build all the things.... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2017 at creative little daisy
Betsy, your comment gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Thank you! I'm sorry that your brother-in-law passed away, but what an amazing final legacy.
I have felt for a while it's important to share my story, not because I feel special or want any recognition. I have just felt it my was duty and your comment confirms it for me. A God thing, no doubt!
Transplant Story: Life after transplant- a comparison and contrast
So, what's it like walking around with someone else's lungs in your body? It's pretty darn amazing, that's what it's like. And, it's also pretty ordinary. Amazing because I can walk and jump and go all day and not once have to sit to catch my breath. Notice I didn't say run. That has more t...
Transplant Story: Life after transplant- a comparison and contrast
So, what's it like walking around with someone else's lungs in your body? It's pretty darn amazing, that's what it's like. And, it's also pretty ordinary. Amazing because I can walk and jump and go all day and not once... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2016 at creative little daisy
Transplant Story: Things are looking so much brighter!
Going trough a double lung transplant and subsequent decortication of both lungs was without question the most challenging event of my life. I've read many recounts of people who woke up from transplant amazed at the new ability to breathe.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2016 at creative little daisy
Transplant Story: Hold on tight, recovery is a bumpy ride
Before I continue the story, I wanted to say something about why I am sharing this. Before my transplant, for years, I read everything I could find about lung disease, treatments and transplant. I researched every natural treatment option, diet... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2016 at creative little daisy
Transplant Story: The Wait and The Call
The last post, I left off with our relocation to Durham, NC. All along this road to transplant, there have been so many small miracles and blessings. The first one came when I had to change transplant centers from UNC... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2016 at creative little daisy
Shall we get reaquainted?
It's been a long time since my fingers have typed out a blog post. I don't know if anyone will even read this. How do folks happen to find blogs these days with Instagram and facebook and who know what... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2016 at creative little daisy
I don't remember the exact colors, but any three stains will give you a good variation and that's what you need. Then you just use them in combinations. I do remember I had an oak color that was way too yellow. Try a light stain, a darker one, like a walnut and a gray.
Palletless Pallet Wall how to~
I usually like to share thrifty decorating solutions. This was one occasion when we decided we'd rather spend a little money and save a lot of time and effort. The product I used for my wood plank wall is v groove wood planks by EverTrue, sold in packs of 6 eight foot long planks. The package ...
I just used whatever was around. I saved shipping boxes and cut them into purse size pieces.
Basic Purse Tutorial
I was working on purse orders today and decided to take pictures as I went along and attempt to post a tutorial. I don't know who may see this and if it will help any one but I am constantly searching the internet for tips and suggestions and there aren't a lot out there. craftster has lots of g...
Thank you Kristyn
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Thank you Jane! I don't do Twitter either. I think my blog is set up to tweet when I have a new post, but I just never got the hang of it. I like Facebook for keeping up with family, but I agree, nothing beats a blog post.
xoxo Autum
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Thank you and congratulations to you Miriam. Grandchildren are the best gift! We also have a six year old and three year old granddaughters Bayleigh and Harper. Sawyer is our first grandson.
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Hi Diane! Bayleigh thinks he's wonderful. She loves holding him, when she gets the opportunity and wants a brother or sister of her own.
My niece had a baby girl in April, so Bayleigh is suddenly the big cousin and she loves her new role.
I hope you are doing well.
Bayleigh still plays with Ruby, the doll you made for her.
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Thank you Beverly
xoxo Autum
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Hi Anna. I agree, it's nice to know more than a picture with a short caption tells.
Hope you are well.
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others I'm not hip enough to know about. I read a couple of blog posts recen...
Why not?
It's a quiet, rainy Saturday, why not dust off the cobwebs at my sad, forgotten blog? I wonder if a blog is even relevant anymore, with people keeping track of things by way of twitter, instagram, facebook, and probably others... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2014 at creative little daisy
Hello Mallory,
I'm sorry for the delay in responding.
I love the finish that wax gives. Love it. But, it does have drawbacks, I've learned. I guess it really depends on how much wear your table will get. I recently removed the wax finish on that very coffee table as well as the table in my kitchen because of weird discolored places. It was as if what had been spilled completely bleached out the finish. So, since these two tables do have food and beverages on them on a regular basis, I removed the wax and went with a satin finish water based poly. Having a young grand daughter, I knew I needed something more durable than the wax for those surfaces.
That said, I have several other pieces that have a wax finish and since they aren't in danger of food spills, they are perfectly fine.
As far as the liming wax, that is what gave it the white, weathered look. It's a matter of preference, but i like the patina you get using it. To get the same look and use poly finish, you can dry brush with some watered down light gray paint.
Hope this helps.
xo Autum
I have a new love
And man, I have I fallen hard. Yes, I'm a fickle lover. One week I'm all a flutter about fabric and sewing, the next I've been wooed by a can of paint. This week my heart belongs to lumber and power tools. I've had a flirtation going for a while and finally took the leap. I've stalked the Ana...
Hi Julie.
I just went to your blog to see your awesome table and when I'm finished replying here I'm getting the laptop out so I can see your table bigger. Thanks for the heads up about the union piece. Like childbirth, maybe enough time will lessen the painful memories and I may try another piece of pipe furniture. Shhh...don't tell my husband, he may hit me in the head with a galvanized nipple ;)
The Not As Easy As It Looks shelf
Everyone has their own reasons for choosing to DIY rather than buy. For some it is for the satisfaction that comes from doing the work, others are motivated by money, or lack there of, and some just feel like a challenge. Mitch and I fall at different places along the spectrum depending upo...
For the record
A couple days ago, Alyssa told me she was laughing and crying, reading my old blog posts. She said she loved finding pictures of a baby Bayleigh. I told her I do too. She reminded me that the words I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2014 at creative little daisy
thank you! yes it is a Parmesan cheese lid :)
xo Autum
because I have much to say
because it brings me a lot of joy because it has had a positive impact on my life because it is always right there, in the back of my mind... just a few of the reasons I can't let this quiet little blog of mine go. So, here I am, after another long silence. Wondering if anyone still visits. Espe...
Thank you Dawn :)
July! Really??
I last posted in July. I don't know what to say about that. I'm still alive and kicking. Not kicking too high, but kicking. In fact, I tried to show Bayleigh how to do a cartwheel and don't recommend doing that if you are 45 years old and don't regularly do cartwheels. Ouch! Speaking of miss Bay...
Thank you Jeaninne :)
July! Really??
I last posted in July. I don't know what to say about that. I'm still alive and kicking. Not kicking too high, but kicking. In fact, I tried to show Bayleigh how to do a cartwheel and don't recommend doing that if you are 45 years old and don't regularly do cartwheels. Ouch! Speaking of miss Bay...
Love, love, love your tagline idea! My feelings exactly.
July! Really??
I last posted in July. I don't know what to say about that. I'm still alive and kicking. Not kicking too high, but kicking. In fact, I tried to show Bayleigh how to do a cartwheel and don't recommend doing that if you are 45 years old and don't regularly do cartwheels. Ouch! Speaking of miss Bay...
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