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This hurts girls, and tells them they're not taken seriously as athletes. It's easy for men to say "Relax! It's a joke!" but how is a little girl with hockey dreams supposed to feel when she sees men on the opposing team insulted by calling them women?
Here's an idea: If you're a man, and you want to take the piss out of another man by calling him a synonym for a woman, or a homosexual man, or an intellectually disabled person, ask yourself if you'd be just as comfortable using a racist insult.
Then grow TF up and find a more creative way to chirp.
Ad "light hearted fun," says IceDogs prez
I contacted the Niagara IceDogs Tuesday morning to find out how the ad pictured above ended up in the Meridian Centre and what, if anything, they intend to do about the numerous complaints that arose from my tweet (click here for background). Here is team president Denise Burke's unedited emai...
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Feb 2, 2016
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