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Baby Makin', Infertility and FABULOUSNESS!
Interests: laughing out loud!, writing, eating
Recent Activity
You know I wanted to fight you right? I changed it...but I still wanted to fight you.
My Blog Has MOVED!!!!!! I simply couldn't take the torture that is Typepad one second longer. Please join me in my new digs. It's kind of bare over there currently but I'll fill it up again soon I'm sure. LOL! I'm still playing around with different things so there will be changes until I'm...
My Blog Has MOVED!!!!!! I simply couldn't take the torture that is Typepad one second longer. Please join me in my new digs.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Moving my blog because I'm So SICK of #Typepad!
I have to be honest with yall when I say that another huge part of why I've been blogging less... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Presenting Mama Biscuit! I'm country so yall know I was raised to not eat everybody's cooking. It's a country thing. You can... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Island Jake
Well? Did yall watch? What did you think? Did Shonda deliver? My opinion? Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Scandal Thursday Is Here!
You ready? Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Let's talk about "Black-ish."
I watched "Black-ish" last night along with a whole host of other people it seems: TV Ratings: 'Black-ish' Opens Strong,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
I am blessed that I have three best friends, lots of great friends and a whole host of really, really... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
October 9th: Journey Back to My Favorite Face
If you know me truly, you know that my favorite person on Earth is my husband. He's down South heading... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
If you were abused and don't understand that discipline is different than abuse then you are probably abusing children. Society has made it unacceptable to ABUSE children even though it's still considered a cultural norm to many.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
"Beatings make children hard. And the only thing circulating in my mind was taking that extension cord and putting her ass through the sliding closet doors of my bedroom. Which ended up happening."
I've been beat with an extension cord to the point where I couldn't go to school or couldn't be touched. My mother would cry as she put shit on my oozing welts. I remember she dropped to her knees once as she tried to pull a shirt off a dried wound without hurting me. I never cried. I just kept imagining all the ways I could kill my father or how happy I'd be if he was killed on his way home from work. I never felt guilt for wishing him dead and it's only been recently, through conversations with family, that I found out the extent of the abuse he went through from his father who was well reputed to being the meanest SOB ever made. My father was of the same damn mind that he turned out fine because of the beatings when nothing was further from the truth. He was fucked up because of the beatings. His father beat him like a slave and he beat us like slaves trying to beat whatever "it" was out of us. And to this day...we're all some version of fucked up.
Stop that shit man. Don't pass that shit on to kids. Don't have them thinking that they have to be hurt to be right.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
NEVER a 4 year old. I couldn't even imagine.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
Child...they are delusional if they think they turned out right. All the insecurities. All the fears of messing up and failing thinking it will be the end of the world. All of that. A child should never be afraid of severe bodily harm from people who supposedly love them. That's not love. That's some slave master shit from back in the day. You keep trying to beat stuff out of kids you'll either break them or lose them. Simple.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
Yeah...4 year olds don't need all of that. They're 4.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
I don't think the lines blur when you're bigger and stronger than the child. When a teenager steps to you thinking they can whup you however? Being intimadating? Oh yeah...he/she will get dropped. Same as if they stopped to a policeman with that. I'm the law in my house.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
Yup. Just take the game away. Simple. You're the adult.
As far as belts...I don't have a problem with a swat or 5 or 10 with a belt once the child is too big. CONTROLLED of course. Always controlled. Now...about eating a Little Debbie cake? *BLINK* Not a good reason in my opinion.
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since high school. Just married her this summer.) I'm a child of abuse. Because of this, I think I'm very conscious of the difference between spankings and beatings (ABUSE). Adrian Pe...
Abuse and Cultural Norms
Stats: Name: Adrian Peterson Age: 29 Kids: 7 Married: Yes (One child with his wife. Been with his wife since... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
When Beautiful People Do Ugly Things from Team Sizzle Films on Vimeo. Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Scenario from real life...
You have lots of male friends. One is online dating. You know he's a good dude who is really looking... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Check Yourself Fool!
The other day I was in Home Depot. Again. I was trying to decide on a paint color. Directly across... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
SIP: This dude should really shut up.
Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Mother and Daughter
Ages 42 and 60. Thoughts? Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Tell the truth and shame the DEVIL!
If you didn't know a good girlfriend was bisexual, would it change your relationship once you found out? Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Patching Up Walls
Our office used have two hanging Elfa desk systems on opposite walls. The Robinator took them down and well...there were... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
Dating Marrieds
I was having a conversation with someone recently and they shared they are in a relationship that isn't traditional. They... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2014 at Rantings of a Creole Princess
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