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Ok, my mom came home with the pattern and I'm laughing b/c I never would have looked at it a second time if it weren't for you! The envelope pic is AWFUL! Simplicity needs to hire you to make their envelope covers. :) I can't wait to try, never have made a dress before so this could be quite the challenge. Thanks again for sharing the dress. It's just my style, as well as the long tunic you modified from this pattern.
sew fun again
I have to take advantage of these cold windy days were having. Once it's warm and sunny outside the farm will be calling me outside to do the million things that need to be done. For now it's perfect weather for sewing some more, which is good because as I mentioned before.....I really need som...
LOVE the dress and the photo of the boys is hysterical! My mom is out and about right now, I called her asking her to go and pick up that pattern for me. Thanks Sara!
sew fun again
I have to take advantage of these cold windy days were having. Once it's warm and sunny outside the farm will be calling me outside to do the million things that need to be done. For now it's perfect weather for sewing some more, which is good because as I mentioned before.....I really need som...
Linking you tonight.
Starfish shoes
Our Sunday outdoors. A beach and no plans…So what did we do? Said hello to some starfish and tried on some starfish shoes. Saw how many different types of seaweed we could find. And my favourite activity was watching Little Eco eagerly collect water from one end of a rock pool and care...
I just picked up this book today in the bookstore! I loved it, love how colorful it is too. Thanks for the chance.
Book Review and A Giveaway: MAKE! by Cath Kidson
I know some of you knit or crochet all year long. But for me it is a winter sport only. The cowl I started during the Winter Olympics was abandoned the minute the garden started its sleepy wake up. So, what project is easy to pick up and take to soccer practice and to work on here and there ...
Oh we are all about Shakepeare and Time Travel, but there are so many cool ones to choose from! Thanks for sharing Boomerang with us!
Welcome And A Boomerang Giveaway!
Welcome to The Magnifying Glass! Stefani and I have been dying to tell you all about our little space here for quite some time. We have both hinted about it. I've had it linked in my sidebar for months, but just like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, like a bird's return from the wint...
Love little Ila the wonderer. That reminds me so much of my oldest. I catch her outside a lot just by herself wondering, thinking, and observing. Pedal pushers are a must!
Spring is about the only time that it's green in the southwest. Everything right now looks so green and fresh and good. There's green grass and green stuff sprouting up everywhere. It's nice! Ila is such a wanderer these days. I have to watch her every second because she takes herself on litt...
It's about balance really. That article is a little extreme and the author seems threatened. I agree that wonder can be found everywhere.
Staying in
Imagine my delight, on the day after writing that last post, to pick up the new issue of Brain, Child magazine and to find this article as its feature. I have a whole lot to say about it... and look forward to the time (I know I'll find the time!) I'll need to do it justice... but in the meantim...
Congratulations! I know the book will be successful!
Sometimes, the scariest thing in the world is to stand up and say, "I've done something that makes me proud." So this is me. Saying to you, I have done something. I wrote a book. Not a book I'd ever imagined I'd write. Not any of the books I've planned and plotted and hoped would someday...
The bunny is so cute! I especially love the pocketful of carrots!
Finishing Up.
This fellow is the last in the set of the wool and vintage cotton rabbits that I first wrote about back in January. Like the other three rabbits before him, this guy has the initials of the recipient (a baby boy to-be) on his pocket. And carrots. Carrots in the pocket are a must have. ...
5orangepotatoes is now following Obaitori
Apr 20, 2010
Very cool little starfish. I'm ashamed to say that my girls have never been to the beach yet. We are at least 10 hours away from the atlantic.....need to get there this summer!
Starfish shoes
Our Sunday outdoors. A beach and no plans…So what did we do? Said hello to some starfish and tried on some starfish shoes. Saw how many different types of seaweed we could find. And my favourite activity was watching Little Eco eagerly collect water from one end of a rock pool and care...
Hi Mary, I'm coming from Frontier Dreams. My next home sewing challenge for myself is to make my girls skirt then move up to dresses. My girls used to wear dresses all the time, my oldest still does; but my youngest is a whole other story. Maybe if the dress is made by me, she might appreciate them more. Thanks so much for the inspiration.
march :: spring sewing {part one}
i have decided to sew my daughter a spring/summer (hopefully autumn?) wardrobe. you see, she LOVES her skirts and dresses. she loves to roll in the mud in style. i am always inspired by my past attempts at garment sewing which have actually worked out, as well as the beautiful work by a favor...
5orangepotatoes is now following Nugg
Apr 12, 2010
5orangepotatoes is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 12, 2010
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