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Amanda and Linda
A fun loving foodie exploring all the good eats Wisconsin has to offer.
Interests: Cooking, eating, reading (fav authors: Janet Evanovitch, Carl Haaisan, Nicholas Sparks), knitting, cold Wisconsin nights lounging on my purple coach in front of the TV.
Recent Activity
How to Wisconsinize Your Grits for a Wisconsin Brunch
With a few additions grits can be as Wisconsiny as a cheese curd! Enjoy this recipe for Wisconsinized Cheese Grits! Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
4 of the Craziest Foods at the Wisconsin State Fair in 2014
Image Via Time to put on your stretchy pants and head over to the Wisconsin State Fair for some fair food indulgences. This year, food vendors put their best plate forward in attempt to win a Golden Spork Award. Here are 5 of my favorite winning dishes! Bacon Wrapped Cherrywood Smoked Pork Belly On-a-Stick- I know what you're thinking. "Wait, isn't pork belly bacon? So essentially we're talking about bacon wrapped bacon?" Yes. Bacon wrapped bacon. YUM! If you want to try some cherrywood smoked bacon, head over to Chicken-N-Waffle Cone (pictured)- Foodies adore chicken and waffles, but sticky syrup and greasy chicken don't make proper portable fair food, until now! Water Street Brewery came up with a creative culinary solution- make the waffle into a waffle cone. Genius! Peanut Butter Bacon Bison Burger- If you haven't tried bison, you're missing out. If you haven't tried peanut butter on a burger, you're ALSO missing out! Check these two must-try foods off your list at one time with this yummy burger from Exotic Meat Grill. You can also shop for Wisconsin bison snacks on! Dolce Panino (Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich)- Kids of all ages love PBJ- it's salty, it's sweet, it's comforting and now thanks to La Coppa, it's cooling and refreshing! This gelato treat has crunchy peanut butter gelato and grape sorbet layered with vanilla cake. This sweet treat impressed the judges and won three Golden Spork Awards: Most Creative, Best Tasting AND Grand Champion. You... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
Christmas in July! 5 Wisconsin Food Gifts That Bring Joy All Year
Do you think holiday hams and gingerbread men are only for Christmas time? Think again! Enjoy Christmas in July with these fun Wisconsin food gifts. Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
7 Reasons Why Brunch Rocks!
These are a few of my favorite things... about brunch! Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
National Mojito Day is July 11! Enjoy Mojitos with Fresh Wisconsin Fruit!
National Mojito Day is July 11! Not that I need an excuse for mojitos. Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
5 Wisconsin Blueberry Foods for National Blueberry Month in July
July is National Blueberry Month so it's time to celebrate everything that is red, white, and blueberry! Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
5 Safety Tips for Summer Grilling in Wisconsin
Here are some tips to make sure your summer if full of tasty AND safety! Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
5 Adorable Baby Shower Foods
This week I hosted my first ever baby shower for my sister-in-law. Here are some fun baby shower food ideas. Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
Ice Cream vs Frozen Custard: Which Frosty Treat Rules Wisconsin Summer?
Summer is finally here, which means kids from ages 2 to 102 will be enjoying sweet treats like ice cream and frozen custard. Ice cream and frozen custard may look the same- both come in a variety of flavors served up on a cone (waffle for me please!) - but don't walk into Kopp's in Milwaukee (or Michael's or Culver's or any other custard only establishment) and ask for an ice cream unless you want to be corrected. So what IS the difference between ice cream and custard anyway? Ice Cream The History: There are so many stories about ice cream, it's hard to nail down the cold hard facts. The origins of ice cream-like treats have been traced back to ancient China, Greece, and Rome. Ice cream first came to the United States in the 1700s. Founding fathers like George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were all reported ice cream fans. The Ingredients: Cream, milk, sugar, flavoring. Where to get it in Wisconsin: Babcock Hall Dairy- Why does Babcock Hall Dairy ice cream taste so good? It's because it's the place where ice cream makers learn to make ice cream! Chocolate Shoppe- While Babcock Hall is famous for the beautiful simplicity of their vanilla flavored ice cream, Chocolate Shoppe is popular for it's crazy flavors and mix ins, like Espresso Oreo and Mint Avalanche. If you aren't in Wisconsin but still want to try the Dairy State's best ice cream, get ice cream delivered from! Custard History:... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
8 Ways to Celebrate June Dairy Month
June is National Dairy Month and since Wisconsin has 1.26 million cows, we celebrate dairy month better than anyone! Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
8 Fun Facts About Rhubarb
Rhubarb is popular in desserts, but did you know it's actually a vegetable? Visit hte blog for more fun rhubarb facts! Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
12 Father's Day Gifts That Are WAY Cooler Than a Card
Father's Day is coming up fast and it's time to start thinking about what to get dad this year. Here are 12 awesome Father's Day Gift Ideas! Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
10 Cheese Hacks to Make Wisconsin Cheese Even Better
Can Wisconsin cheese get any better? It can with these 10 cheese hacks! Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
12 Awesome Gifts Your Mom Deserves for Putting Up With You
In case you missed it, Mother's Day is May 11th. If you're thinking about getting her a gift, stop thinking an start shopping! If your mom is anything like my mom, she has done more nice things for you than you can even count- like calmed you down when you got a hair brush stuck in your hair, or drove you to bassoon lessons, or put socks on your hands so you couldn't scratch yourself when you were a baby. With all the nice things mom has done for you, get her something extra nice on Mother's Day, like one of these awesome Wisconsin Mother's Day gifts! (Side note - we're getting down to the wire! Most of these gifts should arrive on time for Mother's Day but call 1-800-947-6233 if you have questions!) 1. Mother's Day Butter Tarts Gift Box - $5 off through 5/5/14 at 2. Mother's Day Sugar Cookie Gift Tin 3. Coffee Sampler Gift Basket 4. Mother's Day Chocolate Bar - 25% off through 5/5/14 at 5. Gouda Cheese Assortment - Tell her she's a gouda mom! 6. Artisan Cheese Assortment 7. Chocolate Eclairs 8. Breakfast Gift Basket 9. Heat Shaped Kringle 10. Bud Vase made from Wisconsin wood 11. Ladies Brewers Baseball T-shirt 12. Gift Card - This makes a great last minute gift! You can even email a gift certificate or print your own. Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
10 Things Wisconsinites Can't Wait To Do Now That It's Warm Outside
Here are 10 things Wisconsinites can't wait to do do now that it's warm! Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
Wisconsin- What's Your Favorite Type of Pizza?
Does Wisconsin stand with New York style pizza, Chicago deep dish, or something else? Share your thoughts in the comments! Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
Wurst Idea Ever! EU Wants To Limit What Sausages Can Be Labeled As Bratwurst
The EU says Wisconsin can't call a bratwurst a bratwurst. Say what?! Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
9 Signs You're Celebrating Easter In Wisconsin
Here's a delightful story about what it feels like to celebrate Easter in Wisconsin. Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
9 Words That Have a Totally Different Meaning in Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, some words have different meanings than they do in the rest of the USA. Luckily, I've put together a fun and fabulous guide to Wisconsin words. Enjoy! Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
6 World Championship Cheese Contest Winning Wisconsin Cheeses That Ship Nationwide
Every year cheesemakers from far and wide travel to Madison, Wisconsin to enter the World Championship Cheese Contest to rate the best cheeses in 90 categories and the best overall cheese. A cheese from Switzerland called Original Schweizer Rohmilch Emmentaler won the grand prize in the 2014 contest, but overall Wisconsin cheeses dominate the competition, winning 59 out of the 90 categories. Wisconsin cheeses received 33 gold medals, with Vermont and New York as distant runners up with 5 medals each. Want to try some of the award winning cheeses? You're in luck, because the following winning cheeses ship nationwide from Havarti by Decatur Dairy, Third Award in the Havarti Category This is a favorite among the staff. Marilyn says she loves the mild buttery flavor and smooth texture. Dill Havarti by Decatur Dairy, Second Award in the Flavored Havarti Category Dill adds a fresh flavor to the already addictive havarti. You can also try Decatur Dairy havarti in pepper, horseradish, and olive. Roth Buttermilk Blue by Emmi Roth USA, Best In Class in the Blue Veined Category Fans of Roth Buttermilk Blue report they just can't stop eating it! 4. Marieke Smoked Gouda by Hollands Family Cheese, Second in the Smoked Gouda It seems like every time we turn around Marieke Gouda is taking home another award. Try the 2014 award winning smoked gouda and other tasty flavors like foenegreek and mustard. 5. White Best by Red Barn Family Farms, Best in Class Bandaged Cheddar Sharp to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
5 Reasons Kale Is Still Awesome
I'm late to the party with my kale obsession, but better late than never. Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
5 Weird Cooking Tips That Actually Work
Some cooking tips are weird and bogus, but some weird cooking tips actually work! Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
10 Things You Have to Explain to Out-of-Staters About Wisconsin
5 Things You Have to Explain to Out-of-Staters About Wisconsin Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
How To Make An Awesome Frittata
Don't let the fancy name fool you- frittatas are super simple, like a baked omelette. Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
4 Cozy Spots to Warm Up and Eat Up in Madison
Here are four of my favorite places in Madison for warming up and eating up! Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2014 at Edible Antics - Having Fun With Food
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