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Interests: KM, furniture design , furniture maker, climbing, family
The photo is of me just finishing a long 6a climb at Freyr, Belgium, it's actually slightly overhanging but the picture does not do it justice!
Recent Activity
Andy Boyd is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Just teasing you mac cult members of course :)
Running on both (actually an XP pc @ home , win 200 pc @ work and a Mac with the kids - the school standardises on it and she's only 6!)
I'm sort of between a rock and a hard place - total confused and master of none
Why is it that Microsoft Powerpoint presentations running on a Microsoft operating system sat on optimized hardware always stutter their animations while on my Mac they run smoothly? ;-)
Hmm just rose tinted Mac spectacles?
I run a powerbook and a pc and they both run animations fine. ;)
Why is it that Microsoft Powerpoint presentations running on a Microsoft operating system sat on optimized hardware always stutter their animations while on my Mac they run smoothly? ;-)
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