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Bart Korman is actually not running for Governor. After the last election he amended his campaign committee for Governor 2016. But he has explained that it was just a symbolic gesture, a tribute to a dying friend who always told him he should run for governor. Unless he suddenly reverses course and announces that he is running, you should ignore him for any future polling. This is an interview where he explains that he is not actually running: warrencountyrecord dot com/local_news/article_24921b6c-9cdf-11e4-99d8-fb374d10196d.html
For the Republican presidential primary, consider adding former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson. The RNC website has a straw poll for president, including all the candidates that they recognize. This includes all 17 of the usual options, plus Everson. Gilmore's getting insignificant poll and media attention, has been out of office for 13 years, and since then had a 2008 presidential campaign that was only for 3 months and then lost a Senate race by 31 points. If you continue to include Gilmore in the primary polls, you should include Everson, at least for a poll. The RNC views him as legitimate, and it would be interesting to see if without attention if he would poll higher than any of the more publicized candidates. As for NC races, poll the downballot offices where we have candidates for both parties: LG: Dan Forest vs. Linda Coleman/Robert Wilson/(Chris Rey?) AG: Josh Stein vs. Buck Newton Labor Commissioner: Cherie Berry vs. Charles Meeker Insurance Commissioner: Wayne Goodwin vs. Heather Grant
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Aug 11, 2015