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Recent Activity
I heard a rumor that Vernon is coming in today!
Blake Kaplan, State Champion! He qualified for Nationals in Michigan. 15 Min AMRAP - Bracketology WOD 7 Push Press 95/65 10 Front Squat 15 Sit Ups You have until Wedneday to complete this workout. Post rounds to comments.
Lots of events coming up! Check them out in the sidebar on the left!
"Grace" 30 Clean & Jerks for time 135/95 Post time to comments.
I'm not entirely sure where the name came from,...
I'm not entirely sure where the name came from, but a name matters not. What does matter is what we, the Big Dawgs represent - a constant search for answers to higher levels of fitness and all that it pertains to. Big Dawgs have come and gone, they come in, learn, move on and are better for it; some have come and have never left - we help one another grow through removing the personal limitations; not strong enough, not enough stamina, not belonging to a community, no reason behind the prescription. We have high level fitness enthusiasts who strive... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2012 at The Kim Show
Rams, we are open Friday but closed Saturday.
Friday! We are Closed Tomorrow for the Spartan Race!
Open WOD Judging available at all class times today. Dip Ladder 1-5 X 3 then 15 Min 400m run / 500m row (only once) then with remaining time collect as many rounds as possible of : 10 Ball Slams 20/14 10 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 10 Hand Release Push Ups. Post rounds to comments.
Testing this whole continue reading thing. Let's see if it works... trying to figure this thing out to save space on future entries and stories, etc. Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at The Kim Show
Well that sucked.
Weighted Ring Dips 5x5 Then AMRAP 12 minutes: 5 Snatch Balances. 95/65 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65 15 Push Press. 95/65 Bring a vest for dips Post rounds to comments.
Challenge - December 2nd-3rd The Firebreather...
Challenge - December 2nd-3rd The Firebreather Challenge will be an indoor obstacle course race that promises to challenge your physical abilities and be an event you will remember for years to come. The arena will be converted into a giant obstacle course that not only be challenging, but FUN! REGISTRATION... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at CFNF Community Events
Ben, I will be here til 1:30 today, fyi.
It was great to have Rob Pratt in for a visit! 21-15-9 Turkish Get Ups (total) 35/25 Pull Ups 400m row between each round
You need a small. They are american apparel. The smalls fit as they should be the larges aren't generous.
It's hoody time! $35.00. Let us know what size! Back Squat 3 X 3 then Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Squat clean, 7 reps 14 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood Jason Khalipa 4:44, Neal Maddox 4:51, Josh Everett 5:50, Peter Egyed6:04, Karianne Dickson 6:19 (105lb clean, 35lb KB). Post time to c...
I will be in the gym around 9:00am lifting in anybody wants to join in.
Sunday- No Class
Enjoy your rest day.
Ben, I won't be in todayl I will be swimming.
Sunday- Rest Day - No Class
Purty ladies! Rest day. Enjoy it!
I was happy that I beat one of the Sulcers today. I think it's because right before the wod i ate some Juice Plus gummies.
MONDAY 111003 Back Squat 3 X 3 then: Five rounds for time of: 6 Handstand push-ups 12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 24 Weighted walking lunges, 35 pound dumbbells Austin Malleolo 5:48, Annie Thorisdottir 6:01 (25lb DBs), Josh Everett6:22, Jesse Bazarnick 6:50, Kristan Clever 8:03 (35lb DBs), Laurie Ga...
I will be at the gym lifting at 9:00am if anybody would like to workout.
William tries the iron cross. Enjoy your rest day.
On my desk.
WEDNESDAY 110921 For time: 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 GHD Sit-ups Sprint 50 yards 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 GHD Sit-ups Sprint 100 yards 5 Muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 GHD Sit-ups Sprint 150 yards 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 GHD S...
Thanks Gdog. I am running low on new pics lately, I'll admit. Good luck to all the competitors!
WOD #7 - Must be completed today. 1 Mile Run 30 OHS (Mens: 135,120,105 Womens: 95, 83, 63) 30 GHD Sit Ups Post time to comments.
Meatball I think you need to eat a large pizza this weekend and drink a lot of alcohol. just sayin.
Roswell High School Girls LAX FRIDAY 110902 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 135 pound Power clean Bar-facing burpee Jesse Bazarnick 4:42, Austin Malleolo 4:43, Matt Chan 4:57, Candice Ruiz 5:21 (95lbs), Chad Wittman 5:47. Post time to comments.
come in at 9:30 if you can
Monday - Day 29 HSPU
WOD #4 AMRAP 12 Min: 6 Squat Cleans 135/95 12 Pull Ups 24 Double Unders You have Monday and Tuesday to complete this WOD.
We will be here.
Monday - Day 29 HSPU
WOD #4 AMRAP 12 Min: 6 Squat Cleans 135/95 12 Pull Ups 24 Double Unders You have Monday and Tuesday to complete this WOD.
FYI, Shoulder Press is on the board with lunges and a 1 mile run. You have the option to do whichever WOD you wish.
Tuesday - Day 23 HSPU
Here are your stats as of Monday! Great performances yesterday. TUESDAY 110823 Five rounds for time of: 40 Double-unders 30 Box jumps, 24 inch box 20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood Jesse Bazarnick 9:32, Austin Malleolo 9:52, Denise Thomas 10:50 (20" bo...
Brandon just got a big fat RX on the HQ WOD today!
What a mean looking lunch crew! THURSDAY 110728 Three rounds, 12-9- and 6 reps, for time of: 135 pound Squat clean and jerk Muscle-up Post times to comments. Sub Front Squat + Jerk for the C&J if you did yesterday's WOD.
Yayyyy! All dips Rx today and no shoulder pain! I'm stoked! Dips are easier when i'm not a fat ass! Fun pool wod afterward with Gdog & Breeze. They smoked me.
Dayuummm! 1 Mile Run 50 Weighted Step Ups (40db, 30db) 30 Ring Dips Post time to comments.
If you're planning on coming to Swim Atlanta today be sure to bring $5 cover
Seal Sunday
Seal WOD at CFNF at 10:30, then bike or run to Swim Atlanta.
Only 85 on my press today. Shoulder still jacked up. Thanks Breeze for the tip, it helped a lot!
Shoulder Press Work up to a heavy single - 15 Minute time limit. then 10 Rounds 3 HSPU 6 Pistols (3 Each) 9 KB Swings (70,53) Post load/time to comments.
This wod looks super fun!
Friday - We are closed Monday, July 4th!
HQ Rest Day. Alt WOD: Cash In: Row 500 8 Barbell Complex (135/95) - 20 Sit Ups 6Barbell Complex - 30 Sit Ups 4 Barbell Complex - 40 Sit Ups 2 Barbell Complex - 50 Sit Ups Cash Out: 100 Double Unders Barbell Complex Post time to comments.
Our freedom from you!
Wednesday- Happy Birthday Sammy!
WEDNESDAY 110629 For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Post time to comments.
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