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Cynthia Crowsen
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This is so me! I love the line "you get the idea" when listing allergies. The list seems long but Sandra has a fun way of sharing living life around all the troubles allergies can cause.
I'm buying the book even if I don't win one because I'm so happy I'm not alone in this.
Book Giveaway Time! "Don't Kill the Birthday Girl" @SandraBeasley
Book Giveaway Time! DON’T KILL THE BIRTHDAY GIRL Tales from an Allergic Life By Sandra Beasley Hello everybody! I am really excited to introduce author Sandra Beasley who has just released DON’T KILL THE BIRTHDAY GIRL: Tales of an Allergic Life wherein she discusses her personal...
Cynthia Crowsen is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 15, 2011
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