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Ctq is now following kitnandbuny
Oct 28, 2012
Love it!!! Reading is a must!!
A Soul Rockin', Heart Stoppin', Blog Hoppin' Mixed Media Book Tour AND Plenty of Giveaways!!!!!
A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to find myself taking an awesome class with Kerin Gale and Charley Slaughter. Kerin and I became fast friends and when I traveled to Portland to teach and we went antiquing together that friendship was solidified and it has continued to grow and ...
Thinking of you and your loved ones and praying for you all. Colleen Peck
Praying and Waiting
The Fiance had an unexpected health crisis and had surgery earlier this week. On the day he was to be discharged, he developed complications and had to have more surgery. Please remember him, his family, and The Princess in your prayers. This morning the sun is shining and we are praying that th...
Ctq is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 4, 2010
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