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CUNY Dominican Studies Institute
New York, NY USA
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) at The City College of New York is the nation's first, university-based research institute devoted to the study of people of Dominican descent in the United States and other parts of the world.
Recent Activity
The fourteen publications donated by Librarian Adrian Johnson to the library, November 18, 2024 The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library proudly announces the recent donation of fourteen books from Librarian Adrian Johnson, Head of User Services at the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas Libraries. This generous... Continue reading
The books generously donated by Jasdomin to the library, September 4, 2024 The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library is thrilled to announce a special donation of nineteen books from the talented children's author Jasdomin Santana. This collection includes several of Santana's recent publications, showcasing her dedication to sharing Dominican culture... Continue reading
Hortensia González-Gómez y Miriam Mejía Campos firmando sus libros en la biblioteca, 4 de septiembre de 2024. Hoy, extendemos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a las escritoras Hortensia González-Gómez y Miriam Mejía Campos por su grata visita a nuestra biblioteca y la donación de ejemplares firmados de sus respectivas obras. Nos... Continue reading
Dr. Andrés Merejo con ejemplares de sus publicaciones en la biblioteca, 20 de junio de 2024 Agradecemos al Dr. Andrés Merejo por haber donado dos de sus últimos libros, Cibermundo transido: Enredo gris de pospandemia, guerra y ciberguerra y Filosofía para tiempos transidos y cibernéticos, a la Biblioteca del Instituto... Continue reading
Dr. Acosta Corniel dedicating a copy of Transatlantic Bondage to the library, June 6, 2024 Dr. Acosta Corniel holding the copy of Transatlantic Bondage she donated to the library, June 6, 2024 The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) Library is delighted to celebrate the achievements of Dr. Lissette Acosta... Continue reading
Donated copy of Johnny Pacheco: Tres de café, dos de azúcar, y ponle ¡salsa!. Banreservas, 2023 We are delighted to announce a generous donation to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library made by Maria Elena "Cuqui" Pacheco, widow of the legendary salsa pioneer Johnny Pacheco (1935-2021). She has gifted us... Continue reading
From left to right: Professor Sarah Aponte, Jonathan De Oleo Ramos, and Librarian Jhensen Ortiz, May 17, 2024 CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) Library is delighted to announce a generous book donation from our second threatened scholar, Jonathan De Oleo Ramos, who will join us as a resident in... Continue reading
Welcome to our first blog post of 2024, where we celebrate a heartwarming act of generosity by acclaimed Dominican-American author Julia Álvarez. Álvarez, known for her captivating storytelling and insightful exploration of the country’s historical and cultural themes, recently donated a rare second edition copy of Poesías by Salomé Ureña... Continue reading
The most recent contribution to the library significantly broadens and enhances our understanding of the Dominican Republic's history and society throughout various periods. Prof. Michiel Baud, a retired faculty member of the Department of Latin American Studies at the University of Amsterdam and former Director of CEDLA (Centre for Latin... Continue reading
Gracias al Sr. Borja Medina por su visita y amable donación de su publicación: Camino a la democracia: Una visión integral para la formación política. Santo Domingo: Editora El Nuevo Diario, 2023. Continue reading
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Research Fellow Pablo Gómez-Estévez busy at work! Pablo Gómez-Estévez is a Graduate Student in Composition and Graduate Assistant of Composition Department from the College of Musical Arts in the Bowling Green State University. He is currently working with The Rafael Petitón Guzmán Collection. Continue reading
El Profesor William Marín Osorio, quien nos visita desde la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia, actualmente está realizando la edición de su libro sobre Pedro Henríquez Ureña, que publicará próximamente la Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña en la República Dominicana en colaboración con el Instituto de Estudios Dominicanos de CUNY. Continue reading
From left to right: Dr. Kiwia Ojiri, Dr. Pierre Losson, Dr. Tomoki Zozaki, and Dr. Yoshiaki Hisamatsu, September 7, 2023 Yamaoka, Kanako. Haiti and the Dominican Republic: The Development of Two Caribbean Countries Coexisting on an Island. Institute of Developing Economies, 2018 Dr. Kiwia Ojiri and her colleagues joined Associate... Continue reading
De izquierda a derecha: Bibliotecario Jhensen Ortiz, Dra. Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo, Profesora Sarah Aponte, y el periodista Julio Pérez en las instalaciones del Instituto de Estudios Dominicanos de CUNY (CUNY DSI), 28 de junio de 2023 Agradecemos a la Dra. Ylonka Nacidit-Perdomo, destacada escritora e investigadora de género, por donar varios... Continue reading
Prominent Dominican artists Scherezade García, iliana emilia García and Moses Ros with Professor and Chief Librarian Sarah Aponte at the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Archives and Library donating part of their extensive book and ephemeral collection. Continue reading
Dear friends of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library, We are pleased to share a message sent to the CUNY DSI mailing list highlighting the latest accomplishments and exciting ventures of the Dominican Library. We appreciate CUNY DSI Director Dr. Ramona Hernández for her constant support with the work we... Continue reading
CUNY DSI Library volunteer Ethan Srebnick, photo taken by Jessy Pérez In 2022, Dr. Paul Austerlitz donated part of his extensive music collection (CDs, VHS, cassettes, among others) to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library. Dr. Austerlitz is a musician, composer, and ethnomusicologist specializing in Afro-Caribbean music and jazz. Most... Continue reading
We are grateful to Dr. Vanessa K. Valdés, Associate Provost and esteemed scholar who purchased and donated a copy of her book: Racialized Visions: Haiti and the Hispanic Caribbean (SUNY Press, SUNY series, Afro-Latinx Futures 2020) to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library. Racialized Visions: Haiti and the Hispanic Caribbean... Continue reading
It was a pleasure meeting and spending time with Gina Bess-Bonilla who shared information about her family history, including Dominican musician Ramón E. García (1907-1989). From left to right: Dr. Vanessa K. Valdés, Prof. Sarah Aponte, Gina Bess-Bonilla, and Librarian Jhensen Ortiz, April 3, 2023 To see photos that feature... Continue reading
We would like to thank Dr. Norma Fuentes-Mayorga, Associate Professor in Sociology and Latin American and Latina/o Studies at the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, The City College of New York for donating her recent publications to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library. Dr. Norma Fuentes-Mayorga signing... Continue reading
A glimpse at some of the titles we have acquired for the library. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library is always busy making new acquisitions available to our patrons. To start the semester, we want to share the books that were recently made part of our permanent library collection. Don't forget:... Continue reading
Professor Nelson Santana standing in front of the exhibition “Transnational Dominican Activism” at Bronx Community College Library. A new exhibit in Bronx Community College (BCC) showcases the transnational activism by the Dominican population in the cities of New York, Santo Domingo, and Santiago between 2009 and 2020. Titled “Transnational Dominican... Continue reading
Dr. Tamara Alsace with the three publications she donated to the library. Dr. Tamara Alsace generously donated the following rare and out of print publications to our CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library when visiting City College this Fall semester: Patín Maceo, Manuel A. Dominicanismos. Ciudad Trujillo, R.D.: Librería Dominicana, 1947.... Continue reading
‘We Choose Freedom’: Documenting African American Presence in the Dominican Republic is a digital archives that recovers, preserves and makes available treasured records of the past. It contains a collection of rare and delicate archival documents pertaining to African Americans that arrived in 1824 from different ports along the Eastern... Continue reading
We would like to thank Wilfredo Alvarez, Associate Professor of Communication Arts at Utica University for donating his recent publication to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library. Prof. Alvarez gladly signed and dedicated this copy to the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute and we are grateful for the support! Note from... Continue reading