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Curukash is now following S.C. PrettyWoman
Jul 20, 2010
I understand you completely trust me I know the history of my Isalnd and that 80% of the slaves that came through Puerto Rico are from Nigeria... Actually when you look at the Island culture most of it comes from my African roots except for the language. My slave masters were from Spain yours were from England. I just try not to make my racial background an issue or an excuse. You make a lot of valid points and I agree with you for the most part. This is actually the first time someone actually spoke about my culture and understood we are pretty much the same. Much Respect fam.
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Just to let you know La-La is Puerto Rican and Melo is half Black Half Puerto Rican... We are all glad the child will be raised with both parents but this isnt a racial thing...
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Curukash is now following
Jul 11, 2010
Curukash is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 11, 2010